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  • Christina Levasheff — 

    Few people imagine or anticipate their life filled with severe pain. I’m referring to a pain that follows you every moment, every day, month after...

  • Student Profiles and Videos

    Six Students' Stories

    Unknown — 

    See and hear from current Biola students in their own words. Meleca Consultado Robert Bolgeo Emily Johnson Charlotte Evensen Andy Leong Phil and...

  • Brett McCracken — 

    They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but for those who attended this September’s GodBlogCon (God Blog Conference) at the Las Vegas...

  • Lisa Hill — 

    Inside a camp for war victims in Darfur three years ago, researcher Dorothy Morgos found herself surrounded by members of the Janjaweed, a lawless...

  • Families Without Borders

    Biola Couples Find Joy, Challenges in Overseas Adoptions

    Jenna Loumagne — 

    When Danny and Carrie Paschall arrived in Ethiopia this summer to pick up their 16-month-old adopted son, Brenner, he didn’t want anything to do...

  • Of Donkey Hides and Hidden Scrolls

    Eight Little-Known Facts From Bible History

    Clinton E. Arnold — 

    The story of the Bible is fascinating, encouraging and a tribute to the grace of God working through many different people over the centuries. How...

  • Ask an Expert

    Responding to "Religulous" With a Confident Faith

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Christians are gullible and stupid. Whether or not that statement is true, it is certainly a perception that is frequently perpetuated in the...

  • Devotional

    Preventing Mid-Life Drift

    Michael Anthony — 

    Earlier this year my wife and I purchased a 30-foot sailboat we use on weekends to take friends sailing. I recently took some of my students out...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    For Phil and Christine Jensen, coming to the United States from the United Kingdom to pursue graduate degrees at Biola’s Talbot School of Theology...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Andy Leong is passionate about music, especially music that is creative and trailblazing. He’s tired of Christians making music that is little more...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Charlotte Evensen describes herself as “a wandering soul,” and it’s easy to see why. The Master of Arts in Education student currently lives in...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    When it comes to college students hoping to impact the world, senior Emily Johnson is as idealistic as the rest. But unlike most of her peers who...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    On first impression, junior Robert Bolgeo is a stereotypical Biola under grad. He’s an outgoing film major from Nashville with a Southern Baptist...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Senior Meleca Consultado wasn’t supposed to come to Biola. Even though she grew up 10 minutes away in Fullerton, Calif. Meleca was from birth...

  • Kingdom Glimpses

    They came from all over the world. They will go out to all of the world. They seek to build the kingdom, not a fortress. They are Biola in 2009.

    Brett McCracken — 

    In the 2007 book, unChristian , Biola alumnus and Barna Group president David Kinnaman (’96) presents a startling array of statistics about the...

  • Biolans Up Close: Fall 2008

    Tim Bedley’s Real-Life ‘School of Rock’

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    To help his elementary school students learn their three Rs — reading, ’riting and ’rithmetic — Biola graduate Tim Bedley (’87) recently decided to...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Biola’s Web site for prospective undergraduate students has stirred up considerable buzz and earned the University a slew of design awards over the...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Lee Strobel'sbest–selling book, The Case for Christ , was recently released as a feature–length DVD documentary, produced by La Mirada Films and...

  • Jenna Loumagne — 

    Television images of the devastating aftermath of last spring’s 7.9-magnitude earthquake in China that killed nearly 70,000 people left viewers...

  • Brett McCracken — 

    The summer of 2008 was not a pleasant one for the American economy. Gas prices skyrocketed from one all-time high to another, the stock market...

  • Jason Newell — 

    About five years ago, Biola professor J.P. Moreland touched down in Tennessee for a brainstorming session with some of the nation’s leading...

  • Betsy Barber — 

    When I was a little kid of 3 or so, one of my very favorite Bible stories was that of God, Samuel and Eli found in I Samuel 2–3. You know the...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Who would’ve thought you could eat potatoes with potatoes? But that’s exactly what you can do at Biola now, thanks to Bon Appétit’s adoption of...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Biola’s latest campus building project is not only the most ambitious in its history; it’s also the greenest. The planned “campus within a campus”...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    In the mid ’90s, New Zealand native Chris Elisara was working towards his Ph.D in cross-cultural communication at Biola, preparing for a life in...