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  • What Gives Me Hope for Gen Z

    President’s Perspective

    Barry Corey — 

    This past semester during Missions Conference 2023, I saw the best of Gen Z. After attending most of the main sessions and talking to our...

  • Jason Newell — 

    A Biola professor authored the best book of 2022, according to a panel of judges assembled by Christianity Today. In December, the magazine...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Biola honored Robert P. George with the ninth annual Charles W. Colson Conviction and Courage Award this spring, recognizing the influential legal...

  • New Deans Appointed to Lead Talbot, Crowell

    Christian scholar Ed Stetzer and former Amazon executive Michael Arena accept key roles

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Biola has appointed two accomplished Christian leaders to key academic roles at the university beginning this summer. Ed Stetzer, a well-known...

  • Noelle Courselle — 

    Starting Fall 2023, Biola’s Talbot School of Theology will debut a fully online Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies program taught...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    The Connected Life, by Todd W. Hall (’91, Ph.D. ’96, professor of psychology), IVP, June 2022. Real human growth doesn’t come through head...

  • Matt Redman Named ‘Songwriter in Residence’

    Influential worship artist begins new role in Biola’s Conservatory of Music

    Jason Newell — 

    As one of the most prolific worship artists of the past three decades, Matt Redman has helped millions of people around the world express their...

  • Jason Newell — 

    On the first page of the Bible, we read that humanity is created “in the image of God” — a phrase that has inspired a great deal of theorizing and...

  • Joanne Jung, Rick Langer — 

    The New Testament leaves no doubt as to the deity of Christ. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the creator of all...

  • Barry Corey — 

    When I was a high school junior at Saint John’s, an all-boys private high school in New England, I took an economics class with Mr. Reidy. He...

  • Biola Honors Luis Palau

    Evangelist’s legacy recognized with Colson Award

    Jocelyn Huffman — 

    Evangelist Luis Palau — who proclaimed the gospel to hundreds of millions of people around the world throughout his lifetime of ministry — was...

  • Christina Stryffeler — 

    A group of generous Biola supporters contributed over $12 million to the university during a single weekend in April 2022 — a record-breaking set...

  • Following the Leader

    Professor, consultant and author Jake Aguas helps to create better workplaces

    Nicole Perez — 

    Five words from God are sometimes all it takes to change the course of a person’s life. For professor Jake Aguas, the words “If you really trust me...

  • Think About It: Spring 2022

    A roundup of recent videos, podcasts and other resources on Christianity and culture

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    The Loneliness Epidemic (Think Biblically Podcast) Covid-19 restrictions highlighted and exacerbated the growing issue of loneliness in culture...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Discovering Biblical Equality, edited by Ronald W. Pierce (professor of Old Testament, M.Div. ’75, Th.M. ’77), Cynthia Long Westfall (B.A. ’75)...

  • J P Moreland — 

    We can’t create faith or increase expectation by trying directly to believe something more strongly than we do. If someone were to offer you money...

  • A (Scientific) Case for Miracles

    Alumnus Elijiah Stephens directs new documentary, Send Proof

    Christina Stryffeler — 

    What happens when miracles meet science? That is the project that Elijah Stephens (M.A. ’19), a graduate of the Christian apologetics program at...

  • The Chosen Visits Biola

    School of Cinema and Media Arts hosts cast and crew members of popular show

    Jason Newell, Dalet Valles — 

    Nearly 2,000 fans of the The Chosen gathered at Biola in March for a screening and exclusive look behind the scenes of the wildly popular...

  • Creativity Corner

    New “Makerspace” is where art, science and imagination come to play

    Nicole Perez — 

    Housed in Biola’s library is the new “Maker- space,” a hub of art, engineering and innovation where artistic vision comes to life through various...

  • Jason Newell — 

    Since the arrival of the global pandemic in early 2020, millions of employees have found themselves in the middle of a workplace revolution. Remote...

  • A Taylor-Made Education

    During a lengthy career at Biola ––finishing as its top academic leader –– Deborah Taylor built a lasting legacy

    Jenna Loumagne — 

    From the moment that Deborah Taylor first stepped foot onto Biola’s campus as a high school student, she knew she was in a special place. “...

  • Reaching Out Through the Screen

    Daryl-Ann Denner shares her faith and life with 1 million Instagram followers

    Sarah Dougher — 

    Daryl-Ann Denner (Fletcher, B.S. ’11) wears a lot of hats in her daily life. Not only is she a fashion guru, lifestyle guide, brand ambassador and...

  • Elevating Local Voices

    Investigative reporter Nicole Foy is truth-telling in Texas

    Sarah Dougher — 

    Since graduating from Biola, alumna Nicole Foy (B.A. ’16) has worked as a journalist in multiple states, often writing stories of those whose...

  • The Last Word: Spring 2022

    Five Reasons for Christians to go to Therapy

    Doug Daugherty — 

    These past couple of years have been in- credibly challenging for all of us. We share a common experience of disruption and loss that has been...

  • Jason Newell — 

    What do you love most about Biola? We recently asked alumni to chime in for a special A-to-Z roundup of what sets our university apart and gives...