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  • How Is Technology Shaping Generation Y?

    Psychologist Doreen Dodgen-Magee (Psy.D. '92) on what texting, video games and the Internet are doing to young people's brains

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Like most moms, Doreen Dodgen-Magee (Psy.D. ’92) doesn’t like her kids spending too many hours in front of the TV. But Doreen — a Rosemead School...

  • Spirituality at a Crossroads

    Professor's groundbreaking research examines the spiritual growth — and struggles — of the nation's Christian college students

    Todd Hall — 

    Editor's Note: Plenty of studies have been done on what happens to students during their four years of college: how their minds grow, how their...

  • Stephanie Brock — 

    “I shall not die, but live, And tell of the works of the Lord.” (Ps. 118:17) My husband chose this verse for our first son, Adam, shortly after...

  • Soothing Sounds

    Students teach music to Haitian earthquake victims

    Jenna Loumagne — 

    Jeanette Wong sat in an outdoor worship service exhausted — emotionally and physically. One week remained in her three-week mission trip to Haiti,...

  • 'Up and Comer'

    Biola makes top tier of U.S. News rankings

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Biola achieved its highest ranking ever in U.S. News & World Report’s annual college rankings this August, earning a spot in the top tier of...

  • In Our Own Backyard

    Student film exposes U.S. slave labor and sex trades

    Katelynn Camp — 

    For the almost 18,000 men, women and children trafficked into the United States yearly and sold as sex workers or forced laborers — in addition to...

  • The Miracle of May 2010

    President's Perspective

    Barry Corey — 

    The view from my office window is a complete mess. And I couldn’t be happier about it. From where I sit, I can see giant tractors tearing into the...

  • In Your Hands

    Editor's Note

    Jason Newell — 

    The Summer 2010 edition of Biola Magazine generated more calls, letters and e-mails than any other issue in at least the past several years — which...

  • In Memoriam

    Former President J. Richard Chase, 1930–2010

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    For nearly three decades, J. Richard Chase was a towering figure on Biola’s campus — both in stature and influence. First as a student, then as a...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Christianity in the Greco-Roman World: A Narrative Introduction , Moyer Hubbard (associate professor of New Testament language and literature at...

  • Barry Corey — 

    It was a few days ago when I spent a few days in Langley, British Columbia, at a symposium on spiritual formation among Christian colleges and...

  • Biola Athletics: A Year in Review

    The top 10 moments in Biola sports from the 2009-10 year

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Biola athletes gave us a thrilling year of triumphs, upsets and memorable performances in 2009–10. To help us relive the excitement (or experience...

  • Ladies’ Night

    Ruby Awards honor four Biola women

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Serving others isn’t always a glitzy job. But this spring, Biola hosted a glittery gala to honor some of the Biola women whose servant-leadership...

  • An Unexpected Ride

    Biola-produced short film picks up awards at film festivals worldwide

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    When 14 undergraduate students in Biola’s Cinema and Media Arts (CMA) program went to Tokyo, Japan, over the 2009 interterm to make a film for...

  • Biolans Up Close: Summer 2010

    The Outdoorsman Pastor

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Zeke Pipher (M.Div. ’01) isn’t your typical pastor. With an M.Div. from Talbot School of Theology and a D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell, Pipher is the...

  • Christine Lee — 

    As a young girl I had a feeling I’d marry a youth pastor. Maybe it had to do with growing up attending church and being involved in ministry at an...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    NOTE: These books are available at discounted prices at www.biolabookstore.com under “Biola Authors.” Add the code “bauthors10” at checkout to...

  • Jason Newell — 

    If you’re wondering why you haven’t received your copy of the Summer 2010 issue of Biola Magazine, you’re not alone. The issue, as it turns out,...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    In the growing movement known as intelligent design, Stephen Meyer is an emerging figurehead. A young, Cambridge-educated philosopher of science,...

  • Alumni Files

    Mark Your Calendar

    Rick Bee — 

    In the next few weeks, the alumni office will be sending out again an extensive events schedule for your planning, involvement and entertainment...

  • Matthew Williams — 

    Note: It is so important to read the New Testament with first-century eyes. This lesson on the Parable of the Prodigal Son is taken from The...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Let’s face it: Sometimes the “lazy days” of summer can seem a little too lazy. So why not spice up your summer by doing different things each day,...

  • The Ultimate Summer Reading List

    Nine Biola professors (and two Biola Magazine editors) recommend some of their favorites in a variety of genres and categories.

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Matthew Weathers Professor of Mathematics Photo by Mike Villa Favorite Book of the Past Few Years: Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational...

  • Talking Tech

    Biola imagines what it can give away online

    Jason Newell — 

    Photo by Stephen Hernandez At one university in Iowa, students don’t need to make the long walk to the end of their dorm hallway...

  • And the Winner Is...

    Biola authors garner book awards

    Jason Newell — 

    Photo by Stephen Hernandez Looking for a good book? Several of last year’s best came from Biola authors, according to judges in some...