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  • Atheism’s New Bulldog

    Sam Harris thinks Christians are not only delusional, they’re dangerous. But is his bark worse than his bite?

    Holly Pivec — 

    Sam Harris thinks you’re nuts. And he wants to save the world from you — and those who share your “foolish” and “dangerous” belief in God. Armed...

  • What Should Christians Know About ‘Evangelicals & Catholics Together’?

    Dr. Robert Saucy shares his concerns about this growing movement.

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    In 1994, 40 Roman Catholics and evangelical Protestants signed a controversial document titled, “Evangelicals & Catholics Together: The...

  • James Mohler — 

    Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. (NASB) Parenting is not an easy task. But Proverbs 22:6...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    In The God Delusion (Houghton Mifflin, 2006), Oxford biologist Richard Dawkins argues that belief in God is delusional and deadly. The book...

  • Dan Radmacher — 

    “Let’s just bring down that glory cloud!” We were listening to a worship band play at a local coffeehouse. The leader was urging the people to...

  • Who Do You Trust?

    With integrity in short supply, how can we choose trustworthy leaders?

    Holly Pivec — 

    Who do you trust, and why do you trust them? Most of us think we have reliable “trust detectors” — the built-in ability to sense trustworthy...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Historically, many evangelicals have believed that Israel has a God-given right to its land and that the nations that support Israel will be...

  • Sharing the Whole Gospel

    Social Justice, Relief and Development Ministries Still Seen as a Lesser Priority

    Wess Stafford — 

    Prominent Christians, like Rick Warren, have recently taken up humanitarian work — to the delight of some Christians and to the chagrin of others....

  • Well Done

    With integrity and conviction, President Clyde Cook guided Biola to national prominence

    Holly Pivec — 

    After 25 years as Biola’s president, Clyde Cook will retire in June, a year before the school’s 100th anniversary. The Biola that Cook will hand...

  • Sloppy Agape

    David Alan Black (’75, M.Div. ’80) challenges a common interpretation of Jesus’ famous question: “Peter, do you love me?”

    David Black — 

    Traditionally, John 21:15-17 has been a rich source of what Bible scholars call “eisegesis” — reading into the text something the text itself does...

  • Why Do Bad Movies Get Made?

    Film professor Michael Gonzales gives an insider’s look at Hollywood corporate culture.

    Michael Gonzales — 

    I’ve often been asked by students how bad movies get made. Why, for example, does a movie with huge potential — an A-list cast, large budget and...

  • The Biggest Threat to Religious Liberty

    Law professor Michael Koby (’88) argues that a 1990 Supreme Court ruling threatens religious freedom.

    Michael Koby — 

    Many Christians are concerned about lawsuits that seek to remove Judeo-Christian symbolism from the public sphere, such as Ten Commandments...

  • Twelve Must-Read Books

    Your Back-to-School Reading List Recommended By Biola Professors

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    (This is a condensed version of the full-length feature.) Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “A man is known by the books he reads.” People are always...

  • Lee McDonald — 

    A controversial passage, 1 Corinthians 7:21-24, has often been used by Paul’s critics to say he was indifferent to the plight of slaves. And some...

  • Rae Rucker — 

    Like other seniors at Biola, 20-year-old Justin Wheeler was excited to be in his final year of college.He had mastered the routine of classes and...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Since many Christians are concerned about the content of movies, Biola Connections decided to learn more about the rating system from Dr. Marc...

  • The D-Word

    Has Doctrine Become the New Dirty Word?

    Holly Pivec — 

    In his book A Generous Orthodoxy (Zondervan), Brian McLaren makes a piercing assessment of evangelicals. He says they have focused on having all...

  • Heavenly Rewards

    What Happens at the Judgment Seat of Christ?

    Henry W. Holloman — 

    Mention the judgment seat of Christ, and don’t be surprised if Christians shudder and try to change the subject. Why? It’s because most Christians...

  • Knowing Yourself

    The Overlooked Key to Becoming a Leader

    John Miller — 

    I am often asked, “What is the secret to becoming a great leader?” Kevin Cashman in his book, Leadership from the Inside Out, encourages us to...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Abortion is often presented as a quick and painless procedure, with no side effects. But, lately, pro-life leaders have argued that women who have...

  • Interview With David Murrow

    Author of 'Why Men Hate Going to Church'

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    For the cover article of the spring issue of Biola Connections, we interviewed David Murrow, the author of a provocative new book, Why Men Hate...

  • The Feminization of the Church

    Why Its Music, Messages and Ministries Are Driving Men Away

    Holly Pivec — 

    The leaders of a new, Christian movement think they’ve solved a centuries-old mystery: why men are absent from church. But their answer isn’t...

  • Scott Young — 

    The church has been conflicted over the centuries about its relationship to images. The evangelical expression of Christianity has often adopted a...

  • Unjustifiably ‘Undignified’

    Does a Popular Praise Song Ignore the Biblical Context?

    Ben Shin — 

    Praise and worship are a huge part of the Christian experience. We are encouraged throughout the Psalms to praise the Lord. We are also called by...

  • Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Brian McLaren’s book A Generous Orthodoxy (Zondervan, 2004) has been called a manifesto of the “emerging church” — a movement that is rethinking...