Okay, it seems like a paradox...but just wait! Over spring break my chapel band and I had the opportunity to lead worship at Winter Camp at Forest Home, a Christian camp in the San Bernardino mountains! I know, “Winter Camp” over spring break...sounds kind of confusing. But Biola’s spring break was early this year, and Forest Home’s last weekend of winter camp was during the first few days of March—so it lined up!

Forest Home, like many other camp centers and organizations, comes to Biola for recruitment. A few years ago, I found myself at their pop-up tent signing up for more information, and now here I am, fulfilling my lifelong dream of leading worship at a camp that so greatly impacted my life. I will forever be grateful that Biola opened up a door to such an amazing opportunity.

For a few weeks the band and I spent time putting together setlists, rehearsing, and preparing for this opportunity. It was truly such a dream. Once we got to camp, we got to spend time together doing ministry with junior high and high school students, as well as just spend quality time in fellowship together. I filmed a little bit of what our time at Winter Camp looked like, and it’s up on our Becoming Biola vlog channel now! I would love if you gave it a peek.

Til’ next blog,
