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Editorial Style Guide


The şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ Editorial Style Guide is a resource designed to help employees stay consistent when writing for or about Biola. It answers common questions about names, titles, capitalization, punctuation, grammar and so forth. The Associated Press Stylebook and the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (merriam-webster.com) are recommended as authorities for issues not covered here.

The şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ Editorial Style Guide applies to university publications and correspondence intended for external audiences or larger internal audiences. It is not intended to take the place of style guides in the classroom or for academic student publications.

Please note that this style guide is a living document that will be updated as the need arises. If you need clarification or have a question that isn’t addressed by the stylebook, please let us know. Suggestions, comments or questions should be sent to jason.newell@biola.edu.

General Entries

abbreviations and acronyms

In general, words should not be abbreviated in running text. building, Tuesday, September (unless accompanied by a date), California.

Write out the full names of offices and institutions before using initialisms, adding initialisms in parentheses if you intend to use them alone in subsequent references. The President’s Administrative Council (PAC) met on Tuesday. In general, omit periods from initialisms made up of three or more letters. PAC, SAT scores, but U.S., U.N. Use “U.S.” and “U.N.” as adjectives and “United States” and “United Nations” as nouns.

academic degrees

Capitalize official degree names. When including the name of the academic discipline or major with the degree name, capitalize it as well. He has a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. She has a Master of Arts. She has a Doctor of Intercultural Studies.

Lowercase informal or general references to degrees. Use an apostrophe with “bachelor’s” and “master’s,” but not “associate” or “doctorate.” She earned a bachelor’s degree in biology. He has a master’s degree in public relations and strategic communication. She earned a doctorate. Never use Bachelors, Bachelor’s, bachelors, Masters, Master’s or masters.

In most editorial contexts, avoid use of abbreviations for academic degrees. When abbreviations are used in editorial contexts, lowercase the academic discipline. However, in marketing materials (such as website program pages, brochures, emails, advertising), it is acceptable to capitalize academic disciplines alongside the abbreviation in order to provide prominence and clarity. Earn your fully online B.S. in Applied Psychology at Biola.

The following abbreviations are used for academic degrees. For degrees of three or more capitalized letters, omit the periods between the letters:

  • B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)
  • BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
  • B.M. (Bachelor of Music)
  • B.S. (Bachelor of Science)
  • DIS (Doctor of Intercultural Studies)
  • D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry)
  • D.Miss. (Doctor of Missiology)
  • Ed.D. (Doctor of Education)
  • M.A. (Master of Arts)
  • MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • M.Div. (Master of Divinity)
  • M.M. (Master of Management)
  • MPAcc (Master of Professional Accountancy)
  • MPH (Master of Public Health)
  • M.S. (Master of Science)
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)
  • Psy.D. (Doctor of Psychology)
  • Th.M. (Master of Theology)

academic degrees received from Biola

In most cases, indicate degree abbreviation(s) and class year(s) in parenthesis directly following the first reference to individual alumni. For those who earned at least 12 credits from Biola but didn’t graduate, indicate their last year of attendance without including a degree abbreviation. Follow the appropriate formats below. Note: The apostrophe should curve away from the year.

  • Undergraduate degree: Elizabeth Murphy (B.A. ’62).
  • Graduate degree: Stephen Murphy (MBA ’60); John Rothchild (Ph.D. ’76)
  • More than one Biola degree: Stephen Murphy (B.A. ’55, MBA ’60, Ph.D. ’64)
  • More than one of the same type of degree: Stephen Murphy (B.A. ’55, B.A. ’58), Mary Carter (M.A. ’75, M.A. ’78).
  • If both bachelor’s degrees or both master’s degrees were earned in the same year, then do not repeat the year: Stephen Murphy (B.A. ’55) or Stephen Murphy (M.A. ’92).
  • Couple, both are Biola alumni: John (B.A. ’56) and Jane (B.A. ’58) Harrison; John Harrison (B.A. ’56) and his wife, Jane (B.A. ’58)
  • Couple, only one is a Biola alumnus: Eleanor Tyler (B.A. ’53) and her husband, Norm; Bob and Ann (B.A. ’02) McCormick
  • A note about maiden names: In alumni-specific publications, it can be helpful for purposes of classmate recognition to include the maiden name of a Biola alumna who attended the university under her maiden name. However, this is not a requirement. In most other communications, use individuals’ current or preferred names. When using a maiden name, follow this style: John (B.A. ’56) and Jane (Smith, B.A. ’58) Harrison; John Harrison (B.A. ’56) and his wife, Jane (Smith, B.A. ’58).

academic disciplines

Lowercase academic disciplines in running text when not used as part of a degree’s full name. She majored in intercultural studies with an emphasis in Islamic studies. The chemistry class meets weekly. Disciplines may be capitalized in lists, tables or other elements of marketing materials in order to provide prominence and clarity.

academic/fiscal years

When citing an academic year, always use the abbreviated form for the second year unless the second year is in a different century. The 2001–02 academic year, 1999–2000. Use an en dash without spaces. Not 1994–1995, 1994/95, '98–'99 or 98–99.


"Street," "Boulevard" and "Avenue" should be abbreviated as "St.," "Blvd." and "Ave." if part of a numbered address in running text, but all other street types (Circle, Court, Drive, Highway, Road, etc.) are always spelled out. Biola is located in La Mirada at 13800 Biola Ave.

Spell out and capitalize formal street names when used without a number. Biola Avenue. University Drive. Pierce Court. Lowercase and spell out when used alone or with more than one street name. He drove down the avenue. Biola’s original location was the corner of Hope and Sixth streets.


Use “alumnus” to refer to one man. Use “alumna” to refer to one woman. Use “alumni” to refer to a group of two or more men or to a group that includes both men and women. Use “alumnae” to refer to a group of two or more women. Avoid using the slang terms “alum” and “alums.” Alumni of Biola are those who earned at least 12 credits from Biola.


Do not use an ampersand (&) in running text unless it is part of an official name. Barnes & Noble. Ampersands may be acceptable in tables and lists.


Capitalize “Bible,” except when used as a nonreligious term. That textbook is considered the bible of marketing. Lowercase “biblical,” except when part of an official title or program. We believe that holding a biblical worldview is foundational to understanding life. See also Scripture/scriptural.

biblically centered

Because it is part of the mission statement (see mission statement under Biola-Specific Names and Resources), this phrase is common in Biola materials. Unfortunately, it often ends up with a hyphen, which is grammatically incorrect. See also hyphenation.

body of Christ

Do not capitalize “body.” This is a synonym for the universal church. See also church.

books of the Bible

When referring to books, chapters, passages or verses of the Bible in running text, spell out the full names of the books and use a colon to separate chapter and verse numbers. Jesus Christ’s preeminence is a key theme of Colossians. Should 1 Corinthians 13 be read at weddings? In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Paul instructs the church to “pray without ceasing.” To cite a specific verse or passage parenthetically, use the abbreviated name of the book, followed by the chapter number and verse number(s). Use Arabic numerals for book, chapter and verse numbers. We should “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). Paul wanted his readers to focus on the great day when Christ will return (1 Cor. 7:26–31).

Use the following abbreviations for biblical books:

Gen.; Exod.; Lev.; Num.; Deut.; Josh.; Judg.; Ruth; 1 Sam.; 2 Sam.; 1 Kings; 2 Kings; 1 Chron.; 2 Chron.; Ezra; Neh.; Esther; Job; Ps.; Prov.; Eccles.; Song of Sol.; Isa.; Jer.; Lam.; Ezek.; Dan.; Hosea; Joel; Amos; Obad.; Jon.; Mic.; Nah.; Hab.; Zeph.; Hag.; Zech.; Mal.; Matt.; Mark; Luke; John; Acts; Rom.; 1 Cor.; 2 Cor.; Gal.; Eph.; Phil.; Col.; 1 Thess.; 2 Thess.; 1 Tim.; 2 Tim.; Titus; Philem.; Heb.; James; 1 Pet.; 2 Pet.; 1 John; 2 John; 3 John; Jude; Rev.

    capital, capitol

    "Capital" refers to a city that is a seat of government. "Capitol" refers to the building in which the legislative body sits. Also "capital" used as an adjective relates to assets that add to the long-term net worth of an organization (e.g., capital improvements).


    Use “chair” rather than “chairman,” “chairwoman” or “chairperson” for department chairs at Biola (counter to AP style). For outside organizations, use their preferred title. The Federal Reserve chairman announced that interest rates would be lowered.


    Do not capitalize unless part of an official name. He attends church every week. First Baptist Church of La Mirada. Do not capitalize when referring to the universal body of Christ or global church. Christ loves the church.


    Lowercase “city” in all “city of” phrases. The conference will be held in the city of San Diego. To identify a city name with its state, see states.

    class years

    Capitalize “Class” when referring to a specific class. The Class of 1972 will hold a reunion. To refer to multiple, specific classes: The Classes of 1982 and 1983 will meet. See also academic degrees received from Biola and decades.


    In marketing publications and websites, Biola follows AP style, which states: “As with all punctuation, clarity is the biggest rule. If a comma does not help make clear what is being said, it should not be there. If omitting a comma could lead to confusion or misinterpretation, then use the comma.” Do not put a comma before a conjunction in most simple series. The flag is red, white and blue. Include a final comma in a simple series if omitting it could make the meaning unclear. The student thanked his parents, Professor John Smith and Dr. Elaine Jones. (If Smith and Jones are the student’s parents, don’t use the final comma.) The students thanked his parents, Professor John Smith, and Dr. Elaine Jones. (If the student is thanking Smith and Jones in addition to his parents, use the final comma.) Use a comma before the concluding conjunction in a long or complex series of phrases. The program will prepare students to think critically about important issues facing culture, obtain leading career opportunities in the discipline, and make a lifelong impact for Christ and his kingdom.

    Do not set off Jr. or Sr. with commas. Carlos Ramirez Jr. will perform.

    Commas should be placed inside quotation marks at all times. “Biola is a leading Christian university,” Davis said.

    Do not use a comma after a question mark or exclamation point as in the following example. “How many students attend the university?” the student asked.

    composition titles

    Italicize the titles of books, plays, long poems, journals, magazines, newspapers, long musical compositions, albums, movies, television programs, podcasts and radio programs rather than using quotation marks around them as the Associated Press Stylebook says to do. Use quotations around the titles of book chapters, short stories, essays, articles, television episodes, podcast episodes, songs, photographs and lectures.

    Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

    Use full name on first reference. Note the ampersand, which is part of the organization’s official name. You may use CCCU on subsequent references. Biola is a member of this organization.


    Capitalize when part of a proper name. Los Angeles County, Orange County. Lowercase when used alone. He commutes from another county. Plurals of generic terms (like “counties”) after proper names should be lowercase. Los Angeles and Orange counties.

    course names

    Capitalize actual course names, but do not surround with quotation marks.

    credits/semester hours/units

    Universities use a range of terms to describe the academic work students complete. Biola consistently uses “credits.” Students complete 30 credits of coursework in biblical and theological students. This is a 3-credit course. Do not use “units,” “semester hours” or other synonyms.

    cum laude/magna cum laude/summa cum laude

    Italicize and lowercase. These phrases translate to “with praise,” “with great praise” and “with highest praise.” These distinctions are earned at the undergraduate level with a cumulative grade point average of 3.50–3.69, 3.70–3.89 and 3.90–4.0, respectively.


    Do not abbreviate or use an apostrophe in formal usage. 1980s. 1990s. For informal usage, an abbreviated form is acceptable with use of an apostrophe before the incomplete numeral but not between the year and the s: ’90s; ’00s; He attended Biola in the ’50s.

    department and office names

    At Biola, “departments” are academic entities within schools, while “offices” are administrative entities within divisions. In running text, capitalize the formal names of academic departments and administrative offices; use lowercase for a shortened or informal version of the name. The Department of Art runs the gallery. The art department runs the gallery. Check with the Office of the Registrar. She went to the registrar’s office. (Note: Many administrative offices — such as Campus Safety, Event Services, Human Resources and so forth — do not use “office of” as part of an official name. Capitalize these offices when referring to them as proper nouns. Use lowercase when referring to their functions in a more generic sense.) Lowercase the field when not referring to the department by its official name. He is a sociology professor. She is an admissions counselor. Use lowercase when “department” or “office” stands alone. The department will close at noon.

    divine pronouns

    Lowercase pronouns when referring to God. he, him, his, thee, thou, you. This is the style used by many of the most popular Bible translations, including the NIV, NRSV, ESV, CSB, CEB and KJV.

    divine titles

    Capitalize all divine titles and names. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Christ, Lord, King, Savior, Son of God, Yahweh, Lamb of God, etc.


    Treat an ellipsis as a three-letter word constructed with three periods, with spaces before and after the periods, as shown here: ( … ). "No one should go to bed angry ... or hungry," he said. “I don’t want to go. … I have work to do.” In general, it’s best only to use ellipses to indicate that words have been omitted within direct quotes. Don’t use them to indicate the start of a list; use a colon instead.

    em dash/en dash

    Use an em dash to set off phrases. All new students — whether first-time freshmen or transfer students — should prioritize the event. Use a space on either side of an em dash. Use an en dash between numbers in times in tabular entries. 10–11 a.m. Do not use a space on either side of an en dash. But in journalistic entries, use “to” between times. The event runs from 10 to 11 a.m.


    Use “emeritus” with a man or with a person whose gender is unknown. Use “emerita” with a woman. Use “emeriti” with a group of two or more men or with a group that includes both men and women. Use “emeritae” with a group of two or more women. Professor Emeritus of English John Smith. Professor Emerita of Mathematics Mary Jones. The department’s faculty includes two professors emeriti. President Emeritus Clyde Cook was honored at the event. The president emeritus was honored. Faculty emeriti are retired faculty members on whom the university has conferred special status. Note: Not all former Biola faculty members are emeriti faculty.


    Use “ensure” to mean “guarantee.” Use “insure” for references to insurance.


    Lowercase unless part of an official title. The study reveals insights into evangelicals. Evangelical Theological Society. When possible, describe Biola’s (distinctly evangelical) values rather than relying on the descriptor “evangelical” due to social misconceptions surrounding its meaning.

    faculty/faculty member

    Faculty is singular when referring to an academic body (Biola’s faculty is one of the finest in the nation) but plural when referring to several individuals (The college’s faculty are working with local schools). A single professor is a faculty member.

    farther, further

    “Farther” refers to physical distance. We can go no farther on this road. “Further” may be used in this sense but is most often used figuratively to refer to extent or degree. We will proceed no further in this business.

    fewer, less

    “Fewer” is used of numbers; “less” of quantity. Fewer students require less food.


    “Freshman” is used for a singular noun or for an adjective. Billy is a freshman this year. The freshman field trip went well. “Freshmen” is a plural noun. The freshmen were nervous.

    gender-neutral language

    Use gender-neutral terms when referring to a person whose gender is unspecified. For example, the following should be avoided: The average student completes an internship by the end of his junior year. Several suggestions for recasting sentences to achieve gender neutrality are included below. For the sake of readability, do not use “s/he” or “his/her”; avoid the use of the phrases “he or she” or “his or her” if possible.

    Likewise, use gender-neutral terms when referring to humanity as a whole or a group that includes both sexes. “Humanity,” “people,” “human beings,” “the human race,” “all” or “everyone” are good substitutes for generic uses of “man,” “men” or “mankind.” When addressing a group informally, it is preferable to use “everyone” or “all” instead of “guys.”

    Here are several techniques for recasting a sentence to achieve gender neutrality:

    1. Pluralize the nouns. Each student will grade his own test could become Students will grade their own tests.

    2. Replace the pronoun with an article (“the,” “an,” “a”). A student who submits her paper late could become A student who submits the paper late.

    3. Drop the pronoun. A good journalism student will avoid the appearance that he is biased could become A good journalism student will avoid the appearance of bias.

    4. Avoid conditional sentences, such as those beginning with “if” or “when.” If a visitor needs a parking pass, tell her to contact the department office could become A visitor who needs a parking pass should contact the department office.

    geographic regions

    In general, capitalize compass points when referring to regions and lowercase when referring to directions. We have many students from the Midwest and the South. To get here, they have to drive west. Lowercase compass points when describing a section of a nation, state or city (eastern Texas) unless denoting widely known sections, like Southern California, Northern California, the Bay Area, West Coast, Western capitalism, Eastern religion.


    Lowercase, unless part of an official title or referring to any or all of the first four books of the New Testament. The Gospel Choir will perform. The professor taught from the Gospels. The Missions Conference taught students how to share the gospel with people from other cultures. The choir sang gospel music.


    Do not capitalize “government,” “federal,” “state” or “city.” Neither the federal government nor the state of California provide direct funding to Biola. Capitalize “legislature” when referring specifically to a state’s legislative body, but not when used generically or in plural references. The California Legislature approved the funding last year. The Nevada and Utah legislatures are expected to consider similar measures.


    Consult the AP Stylebook for guidelines on hyphenation, of which there are many. In general, use hyphens to avoid ambiguity or create clarity when joining two or more words together. Compounds that are hyphenated as adjectives (off-campus housing, part-time employment, decision-making skills) are not typically hyphenated after the nouns (her apartment is off campus; she works less than full time; findings that assist in decision making).

    No hyphen is needed to link a two-word phrase that includes adverbs ending in -ly. privately funded, highly regarded, biblically centered education.

    Compound adjectives with numerals should not be hyphenated. The $40 million campaign.

    indefinite articles

    Words starting with a pronounced h, long u or eu take the article a, not an. a hotel, a historic year, a euphoric moment; but an honest man, an heir.

    internet addresses

    When mentioning a specific website, include the URL within the text. Online, use descriptive text for links (such as “Visit the ”) rather than using “click here” or writing out the URL. In print, it is not necessary to include “https://www.” before the address. Avoid using lengthy URLs in print unless essential. Use lowercase for all letters in a URL. Do not omit the period when a web address falls at the end of a sentence. Visit the alumni website at .

    kingdom of God

    Lowercase references to the kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, Christ’s kingdom, etc. This is the preferred style of most of the popular Bible translations, including the NIV, NRSV, ESV, NASB, CSB, CEB and KJV.

    period spacing

    After a period, use one space before the start of the next sentence, not two.


    Licenses and associations do not take periods. CPA, LCSW.

    missions/mission trip

    “Missions” refers to the field. She is studying missions. “Mission” is singular when used with “mission trip” or “mission trips.” He went on a mission trip. The Student Missionary Union hosts several mission trips. The word “mission” is also used to describe a singular, fundamental purpose as in Biola’s “mission statement.” See also Missions Conference under Biola-Specific Names and Resources.


    When a month is cited in a specific date within running text, abbreviate only “Jan.,” “Feb.,” “Aug.,” “Sept.,” “Oct.,” “Nov.” and “Dec.”; all other months are always spelled out. Spell out a month’s name when cited alone or cited with just a year. Jan. 1, 2007. March 1, 2007. January. Jan. 1. January 2007. There is no comma between a month and year. When a month, day and year are cited together, place a comma after both the day and year. Feb. 25, 1908, is the day Biola was founded.


    Avoid the use of courtesy titles (Mr., Mrs. or Ms.). Enclose nicknames in quotes. Rob “Boomer” Smith. Compound names should be hyphenated or not, according to the preference of the individual. Sarah O’Neill Murphy. Sally Smith-O’Brien. Compound names should be alphabetized under the last surname, or according to the individual’s established usage. Do not place a comma before a “Jr.” or “Sr.”


    In general, numbers from zero to nine should be written out. Starting with 10, use numerals. The event will be held in four days. She is taking 18 credits this semester. But if a number starts a sentence, then write it out or recast the sentence so it does not start it. Twelve children attended the play. Consult the Associated Press Stylebook for exceptions, of which there are many. They include ages, dimensions, course numbers, grade point averages, monetary values, scores, percentages, compound numbers and decimal units — all of which may be indicated with numerals. For amounts of 1 million or more, always use numerals followed by “million,” “billion,” etc.: $8 million. 8 million people. Use commas with all numbers above 999: 1,000, $13,500, 500,000. Spell out ordinals through ninth, except in formal names. first grade, 1st Sgt., 21st century, 25th anniversary. For academic credits, always use numerals. It is a 3-credit course. When listing dates, include only the month and numeral. Aug. 9, not Aug. 9th.

    off campus, on campus

    Hyphenate only when used as an adjective before a noun. He will study in an off-campus program. She has an office on campus.


    When in doubt, spell out “pages” (pages 36–37, not pp. 36–37), though consistency is what matters. Use an en dash between page numbers.


    In keeping with changes to AP style, use the percentage symbol (%) when paired with a numeral, with no space, in most cases. Be careful not to confuse “percent” with “percentage point.”


    Do not use an apostrophe to pluralize words, numbers, days or names. No “ifs,” “ands” or “buts.” 1950s. Sundays. Petersons. The one exception is when pluralizing single letters. He earned four A’s. Mind your p’s and q’s. To pluralize proper names ending in “es,” “s” or “z,” add an “es.” The Joneses and the Gonzalezes will attend. For most proper names ending in “y,” add an “s,” even when preceded by a consonant. The Kennedys and the Coreys both hail from Massachusetts. For others, add an “s.” The Cooks. The Smiths.


    With proper names or plural nouns that end in “s,” add only an apostrophe. Obey Jesus’ commands. The students’ room is clean. For joint possession, use a possessive form after only the last word. John and Tim’s business. If objects are individually owned, use a possessive form after both words. John’s and Tim’s lunches. Refer to the Associated Press Stylebook for additional guidance.


    Only capitalize official program titles. Lowercase informal and generic references to programs and courses of study. Many students are enrolled in the nursing program. Biola offers a number of study-abroad programs, including the Latin American Studies Program. She is a graduate of the master’s program in Christian apologetics.

    residence hall

    Preferred over “dorm” in more formal contexts.

    resident assistant/resident director

    Spell out on first reference and do not capitalize before a name, as this serves as a job description. You may use RA or RD on second reference.

    Rev. or Reverend

    Use “the Rev.” — not “Rev.” — as a title on first reference. Lyman Stewart joined forces with the Rev. T.C. Horton to launch the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.


    Always capitalize “Scripture” when referring to the Bible but lowercase “scriptural.” Do not capitalize “Scripture” when referring to the scriptures of non-Christian religions. See also Bible/biblical.


    In running text, do not capitalize seasons unless part of a formal name or designating a specific academic term or an issue of a periodical or publication. Registration for the fall semester begins Tuesday. The class will be offered in the Spring 2022 semester. We are still accepting applications for Fall 2022. I enjoyed the Summer 2019 issue of Biola Magazine. Biola’s campus is beautiful in the spring.


    Spell out the names of states, whether they stand alone or are used in conjunction with a county, city or town. Use lowercase for “state” in all “state of” phrases. The state of California requires all student teachers to complete a background check.

    In running text, place a comma after the name of a city and another comma after the state name, unless at the end of a sentence. She will travel to her home in Omaha, Nebraska, to visit her family for Thanksgiving. şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ is the largest employer in La Mirada, California. In mailing addresses, use the two-letter Postal Service abbreviations. CA, MD, IL, etc.


    Use the British spelling “theatre” in Biola program names. Biola Theatre. Theatre 21.


    In most instances, it is preferable to use “a.m.” and “p.m.” — not “AM,” “pm,” “P.M.” or other variations. That said, when technology or a template limits your formatting options, at least be consistent. Do not precede “noon” or “midnight” with “12.” When a time falls exactly on the hour, it can be preferable to omit the colon and zeroes. 10 a.m. To indicate duration of time, use “to” between the hours in text, but an en dash in calendar or tabular entries. The picnic will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Class times are 11 a.m.–noon, 4–5 p.m. and 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Leave space after the number, but not on either side of the en dash. Do not mix formats.


    Capitalize formal titles used directly before an individual's name. President Barry Corey. Councilwoman Jane Doe. However, try to place long titles after names as lowercase appositives. Jane Jones, assistant professor of molecular biology. Use lowercase for a formal title listed after a name or without a name. Barry Corey, president of şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ. He is the president of şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ. Use lowercase when a formal title is listed before a name but set off by a comma. The event featured a speech from the school’s dean, Bob McDonald. Use lowercase for titles that serve mainly as job descriptions. The student expressed gratitude to custodian Bill Thomas.

    Breaking with AP style, it is permissible to use the courtesy title “Dr.” with faculty or staff members’ names when appropriate — such as formal event programs or marketing materials where a reference to the doctoral degree helps to reinforce academic quality or prestige. In most contexts, drop the courtesy title on subsequent references. Do not pair “Dr.” before a name with “Ph.D.” after a name; choose one or the other. Avoid using the abbreviation “Prof.” except for informal usage.


    Capitalize only as part of a university’s name. Welcome to şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ. When the word stands alone, use lowercase. Students at the university are required to attend chapel services. Biola is one of the top-ranked Christian universities in the nation.

    Washington, D.C.

    Note the comma and periods. When used mid-sentence, place a comma after the “D.C.” The American Studies Program uses Washington, D.C., as an educational laboratory.


    “Who” and “whom” refer to people and animals with a name. “That” and “which” refer to inanimate objects and animals without a name. Also, “that” precedes an essential clause. This is the translation that most scholars prefer. “Which” precedes a non-essential clause. This translation, which most scholars prefer, is available in the Biola Store. The Associated Press Stylebook offers guidelines for whether to use “who” or “whom.”

    Word of God

    Capitalize “Word” when used as a title for Jesus Christ (as in John 1:1) or as a synonym for the Bible. Lowercase when referring more generally to the statements or promises of God (which is the style employed by the majority of the most popular Bible translations).

    Biola-Specific Names and Resources

    Alpha Hall

    Built in 1966, this all-female residence hall was named “Alpha Chi” until 2011, when it was renamed to eliminate confusion with the Alpha Chi Omega sorority.

    Alton and Lydia Lim Center for Science, Technology and Health

    The primary home of the School of Science, Technology and Health. Named after Alton and Lydia Lim, who provided a $12 million gift toward the building’s construction, the center opened in 2018. Its full name should be used in formal contexts, but the name can be shortened to “the Lim Center” in most communications.

    Andrews Banquet Room

    The Andrews Banquet Room is located on the bottom floor of Talbot East. Note: There is no apostrophe.

    Bardwell Hall

    Academic building used primarily for visual arts classes and offices. Named after Eliza A. Bardwell, this building is one of the original structures from the opening of the La Mirada campus in 1959. The Jesus Mural is on its eastern side.

    Bell Tower

    The Bell Tower that stands on Biola’s campus includes five of the Meneely bells from the original 11 that were suspended atop the north dormitory tower on Biola’s downtown Los Angeles campus. The bells were the largest set of chimes on the Pacific Coast at that time and were first played by Anna Horton, wife of Biola co-founder T.C. Horton. Today, they chime daily at specific times.

    Biola LEARN

    Biola LEARN (an abbreviation for Lifelong Education and Resource Network) is an online learning platform that offers not-for-credit courses at a low cost to individuals and small groups. Biola LEARN launched the fall of 2017. Because LEARN is an abbreviation, it should always be capitalized.

    Biola Magazine

    Biola Magazine is Biola’s official university magazine, sent out twice each year to alumni, donors, parents and friends of the university. Capitalize and italicize the title in running text. Do not refer to the magazine as Biola Connections or Connections (the magazine’s former name) or “the Biola Magazine.”

    Biolan, The

    The Biolan (note the capitalized “The” and italics) is Biola’s student-run yearbook, first published in 1927.


    These terms can be used to describe a student, alumnus or group of students and alumni. The alumni office uses “Biolans for Life!” as a tagline.

    Biola Professional Building

    Located off campus at 12625 La Mirada Blvd., this building houses the Biola Counseling Center and apologetics offices.


    In first references, use the full name. In subsequent references, you may use “Biola” or “the university.” Do not use “Bible Institute of Los Angeles” or “BIOLA” unless referring to Biola’s history. Do not use “Biola College” unless referring to Biola's history between 1949 and June 30, 1981. Again, do not use “BIOLA” (all capital letters) when referring to the university today; the university’s name is not an acronym.

    Bluff, The

    Located directly off of La Mirada Boulevard on the eastern edge of campus, The Bluff is made up of a group of three hillside buildings including the Welch Apartments, Li Apartments and Thompson Hall. It has been referred to as Bluff housing in the past, but became “The Bluff” in 2006.

    Board of Trustees

    Use full, capitalized name when referring to Biola's Board of Trustees. On second reference to the body, “board” or “trustees” is acceptable. Do not capitalize “board” or “trustees” when used alone. Lowercase “trustee” or “board member” as a title, whether before or after a name.

    Bon Appétit

    Biola's catering service.

    business building

    The unnamed building that houses Crowell School of Business should be referred to as the “business building.” It was built in 2007.

    Café Biola

    Also known as “The Caf,” this is the main on-campus dining area. It’s home to the Café Banquet Room.

    Calvary Chapel/Feinberg Hall

    Feinberg Hall is one of Talbot School of Theology’s buildings and is made up of two stories. The top story contains Calvary Chapel, which hosts classes, events and chapel services during the week. The lower story houses Talbot offices. Feinberg Hall is named after Talbot’s first dean, Charles Feinberg. Calvary Chapel is not affiliated with the churches of the same name. The structure was completed in 1975 and renovated in 2018.


    Biola offers numerous chapel services throughout the week. Use lowercase when referring to chapel services, except when referring to specially named chapel services such as AfterDark Chapel.

    Chase Gymnasium

    Lowercased “gymnasium” and “gym” are acceptable on second reference or in informal contexts. Named after Biola’s sixth president, J. Richard Chase, it was built in 1966 and expanded in 2005 and 2021.

    Chimes, The

    Identify as the student newspaper on first reference and always italicize.

    Common Grounds

    One of Biola’s on-campus coffee shops.

    Crowell Hall

    The building that houses the Conservatory of Music. Named after Alice Gray Crowell, whose sister, Lula May Crowell, married Biola co-founder Lyman Stewart in 1915. Built in 1963.

    Crowell School of Business

    Name of the business school, but not the building where the business school is housed. Named after the Crowell family of Crowell, Weedon & Co., who gave money for the building and whose roots connect with Biola cofounder Lyman Stewart. See business building.

    Dorothy English Hall

    Classroom building on the McNally portion of campus. Named after Dorothy English, a 1936 graduate who left $8.5 million to the university after her death in 2002.

    Eagles’ Nest

    An on-campus restaurant/diner. Note the placement of the apostrophe.

    Earl & Virginia Green Art Gallery

    The Earl & Virginia Green Art Gallery features several rotating exhibitions of work by contemporary artists each semester, and also provides space each year for graduating senior art students to showcase their work in a professional setting. On first reference, use the full name. “The art gallery” or “the gallery” are acceptable in subsequent references.

    Emerson Hall

    Formerly a male-only residence hall, Emerson was converted in 2016 into offices for several academic departments. Built in 1958, the building is named after Wallace Emerson, founder of Biola’s undergraduate psychology program and professor of psychology at Biola from 1948 to 1968.

    Feinberg Hall

    See Calvary Chapel/Feinberg Hall.

    Fluor Fountain

    Officially the “Fluor Fountain of Faith,” it is most commonly referred to by the shortened name, which is acceptable in all references. Built in 2003, the fountain was funded by donor Marjorie Fluor Moore, who provided the funding in honor of her late husband, Simon Fluor.

    Fred and Ruth Waugh Prayer Chapel

    This prayer chapel is located on the bottom floor of Talbot East. On first reference, use its full title and specify that it is located in Talbot East in order to distinguish it from Biola’s older and more recognizable Rose of Sharon Prayer Chapel.

    Hart Hall

    Built in 1970, this residence hall serves both men and women. It is named after Margaret Hart, a former dean of women.

    Hope Hall

    The largest residence hall on campus, it serves both men and women. It was built in 2003 and is named after Hope Street in downtown Los Angeles, the site of Biola’s original campus.

    Horton Hall

    A residence hall completed in 2006, it serves both men and women. The hall replaced the former Horton Hall, which was built in 1959 and later demolished. Named after T.C. Horton, cofounder of Biola.

    Jesus Mural

    Painted in 1989 and 1990 by Kent Twitchell, the well-known mural on the eastern side of Bardwell Hall is titled “The Word.” It is usually best to refer to it as “the Jesus Mural,” as it’s more commonly known.

    Li Apartments

    Built in 1990, this on-campus apartment building is part of The Bluff. It serves male and female undergraduate students. Named after Fook Kong and Irene Li, former members of the Board of Trustees.


    “şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ Library” is the preferred name for the building, staff and collection. On second reference, either “the Biola Library” or “the library” is acceptable. Never use “Library Resource Center,” which was its name when it opened in 2001.

    lower campus, upper campus

    These informal terms apply exclusively to the two major residential areas of campus. “Lower campus,” which is at the south end of campus and at a lower elevation than “upper campus,” includes Hart Hall, Stewart Hall and Hope Hall. Upper campus, at the north end of campus, includes Blackstone Hall, Sigma Hall, Alpha Hall, Horton Hall and Emerson Hall. The Bluff is typically seen as distinct from upper campus, even though it’s in the same area, because it’s exclusively for upperclassmen and it’s set off geographically by a bridge.

    Marshburn Hall

    This academic building houses the Cook School of Intercultural Studies. Named after Sylvester Marshburn, a former Board of Trustees member and donor. Built in 1967.

    Mayers Auditorium

    Located in Marshburn Hall, this auditorium is used for events and large classes. It should not be confused with Myers Hall, which houses classrooms and offices for Talbot School of Theology. Named after Marvin K. Mayers, the founding dean of the Cook School of Intercultural Studies.


    The informal name for the portion of Biola’s campus that used to be McNally Junior High School. It is home to classrooms, faculty offices, various academic departments, a theater and the Production Center. The McNally campus was acquired in 1988.

    Metzger Hall

    The main administrative building on campus houses numerous offices. Named after Adele Metzger, whose estate funded about half of the building. Built in 1979.

    mission statement

    The official text of Biola’s mission statement reads as follows: “The mission of şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ is biblically centered education, scholarship and service — equipping men and women in mind and character to impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.” There is no hyphen in “biblically centered.” Also, do not use a semicolon between “service” and “equipping.” That’s grammatically incorrect.

    Missions Conference

    This annual spring event is sponsored by the Student Missionary Union. Capitalize the title, as it refers to a recurring, specific university event.


    MyAccount is şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ’s web portal that provides access to personalized web services and data, including profile information, academic history, financial information, enrollment tasks and more.

    Myers Hall

    This academic building houses classrooms and offices for Talbot School of Theology. Named after Ray Myers, former chairman of the Board of Trustees and contractor for the La Mirada campus. Built in 1962.

    Perez Hall

    This one-story office building on the McNally portion of campus is named after the late entertainers Pepito and Joanne Perez. Joanne left her estate to Biola, specifically for the benefit of what was then the Department of Mass Communication, in 2004.

    President’s Circle

    The President’s Circle is made up of donors who contribute a specified amount to the Biola Fund each year. Several levels of membership are available, depending on the annual giving amount. Information can be found at .

    Rood Hall

    Classroom building on the McNally portion of campus. Named after Biola's third president, Paul W. Rood.

    Rose Hall

    Formerly the Rose Memorial Library, the building is now home to Rosemead School of Psychology and other offices. The building is named after Daniel Rose, donor for the original library, which was built in 1959.

    Rose of Sharon Prayer Chapel

    This prayer chapel is located adjacent to the library. On first reference, use its full title in order to distinguish it from the Fred and Ruth Waugh Prayer Chapel in Talbot East. Alumnus Robert Minshew (’65) funded the construction of the chapel after the death of his wife, Sharon Lynn Minshew.

    Rosemead School of Psychology

    Established in 1968 in Rosemead, California, by Clyde Narramore and his nephew Bruce Narramore, the school merged with Biola in 1977. It offers programs from the bachelor’s through doctoral levels.

    schools of Biola

    Biola has eight schools: Crowell School of Business; Rosemead School of Psychology; Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts; the School of Education; the School of Fine Arts and Communication; the School of Humanities and Social Science; the School of Science, Technology and Health; and Talbot School of Theology.

    On first reference in external communications, give the school’s full name and indicate that it belongs to şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ (if not already clear from the context). Tom Smith (Psy.D. '00) graduated from şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ’s Rosemead School of Psychology or Tom Smith (Psy.D. '00) graduated from Biola’s Rosemead School of Psychology. In subsequent references, it is acceptable to refer to the “named” schools as “Crowell,” “Rosemead” and “Talbot.” He has taught at Rosemead for two years. A reception for Talbot’s students will be held in Andrews Banquet Room. Do not use initialisms (such as CSICS, SOE) in external communications.

    It is not necessary to include “the” before “named” schools. He will attend Talbot School of Theology. Crowell School of Business offers a fully online MBA. You’re invited to an information session at the School of Education.

    Sigma Hall

    Built in 1977, this residence hall serves both men and women. It was named "Sigma Chi" until 2011, when it was renamed to eliminate confusion with the Sigma Chi fraternity.

    Soubirou Hall

    This classroom building is used primarily by the nursing and kinesiology departments. Named after Leonie Soubirou, the first director of the School of Missionary Medicine, which eventually became the Department of Nursing. Built in 1976, it was significantly renovated in 2019.

    Stewart Hall

    This residence hall serves both men and women. It was built in 1966. Named after Biola co-founder Lyman Stewart.

    Student Union Building

    Commonly referred to as the SUB.

    Sutherland Hall

    This academic building features offices, classrooms and Sutherland Auditorium. It houses the School of Education and the Division of Student Success. Built in 1958, it was the first academic building completed on the La Mirada campus. Named after Sam Sutherland, Biola's fifth president.

    Talbot magazine

    Talbot magazine is published twice a year by the Office of University Marketing and is sent free of charge to alumni, supporters and friends of Talbot School of Theology. Capitalize and italicize the title in running text.

    Talbot East

    Built in 2011, this four-floor academic building features offices, classrooms, conference rooms, the Fred and Ruth Waugh Prayer Chapel, Andrews Banquet Room, Riady Gardens and numerous other features. (Note: There is no apostrophe in Andrews.) The top two floors house faculty offices for Talbot School of Theology.

    Talbot School of Theology

    Do not refer to Talbot as “Talbot Theological Seminary,” except when referring to its history. The name changed in 1983, two years after Biola moved from college to university status. Named after Louis T. Talbot, Biola’s second and fourth president.

    Theatre 21

    Located on the McNally campus. Note the British spelling of “theatre.” See theater/theatre under General Entries.

    Think Biblically podcast

    Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith and Culture is Talbot School of Theology’s weekly podcast. It offers Christian perspectives on some of the most significant issues facing today’s church and culture. It can be referred to as Think Biblically on first reference.

    Thompson Hall

    Built in 1990, this residence hall serves male and female undergraduate students. Though sometimes considered to be an apartment building because of its grouping with Li and Welch apartments in The Bluff, it is a residence hall. Named after Novell and Geneva Thompson, parents of Board of Trustees member Robert Thompson.

    Torrey Honors College

    An undergraduate honors program at Biola.

    Torrey Memorial Bible Conference

    Use the full name of the conference on first reference. This event is held each fall semester and is named after R.A. Torrey, one of Biola’s early deans.

    Welch Apartments

    Built in 1990, this on-campus apartment building is part of The Bluff and serves male and female undergraduate students. Named after Robert and “Bitsy” Welch. Robert was a longtime chairman of the Board of Trustees.

    White Hall

    Classroom building on the McNally portion of campus. Named after William P. White, Biola's first president.