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2013 Talbot Student Award Winners

May 14, 2013

The Alumni Award
Given by the Alumni Association to a continuing student who demonstrates excellence and commitment in his or her seminary studies.
David Meyers

The Audrey Talbot Award in Bible Exposition
Given to the student in the Seminary who does the best work for the year in the Department of Bible Exposition.
Samuel Blanco

Award for Excellence in Leadership
Presented to the President of Talbot School of Theology Associated Students in grateful recognition of your outstanding contributions and commitment.
Julie Maxham

The Award in Homiletics
An award to the students in the Seminary who have distinguished themselves in preaching.
Sean Christensen
Jonathan Uyboco

The Award in Jewish Evangelism
Given to the student who has done outstanding work for the year in the Messianic Jewish Studies Program.
Brian Crawford

The Award in New Testament
Given to the student who has done outstanding work in New Testament studies throughout the Seminary program.
Hyung Chul Cho

The Baker Book Award in Christian Education
Given to a graduating senior who has distinguished himself or herself in the Department of Christian Education.
Youngjun Kim

The Baker Book Award in Theology
Given to the graduate who has distinguished himself or herself in the study of theology.
Patrick Flynn

The Bill Bynum Memorial Scholarship Award
Given to a Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Education in Educational Studies student who does exemplary work in the study and practice of Christian Education.
Jamie Johnson

The Charles Lee Feinberg Award
Given to the student who best exemplifies the image of a student at Talbot School of Theology.
Clark Fobes

The David Charles Dunn Memorial Scholarship Award
Given to a student who in God’s strength has overcome challenges to enroll in Talbot School of Theology.
Weien (Esther) Ma

The Dean's Award
Made possible through the Korean Student Scholarship Fund, and is given to the student who has shown excellence in academic studies, faithfulness in Christian service, and in whose life the love of Jesus is reflected.
Brett Kunkle

The Doctoral Research Excellence Award
Given to the student completing a doctoral dissertation, who, in the opinion of the Talbot faculty, has shown evidence of comprehensive, thorough, and accurate research methods resulting in a well-written, well-constructed, and well-supported dissertation.
Robert Strong

The Gordon Johnson Scholarship Award
Given to a Seminary student performing well academically in one of the Bible related fields.
Zacharay Schoening

The Inez Gooden Scholarship Award
Given to a student who is dedicated to serving our Lord Jesus Christ, and who has become distinguished as a member of the seminary community.
Grace Sangalang

The John and Jennie Solomon Award in Old Testament
Given to the student in the Seminary who does the best work for the year in the Department of Semitics and Old Testament.
Myung Kwon (Walter) Cha

The Kenneth D. Archinal Award in Christian Education
An annual award to the outstanding second year student in the Department of Christian Education.
Heather Hartwell

The Louis T. Talbot Memorial Scholarship Award
Given to a continuing student preparing for the ministry who has demonstrated academic excellence, exceptional Christian commitment, and zeal for practical ministry.
Robert Goforth

The Marge Niquette Award in Bible Exposition
Given to the student in the Seminary who has done outstanding work in the Department of Bible Exposition in the final year of training.
Caitlin Lee

The Society of Professors in Christian Education Award
Given to a graduate student in Christian Education for outstanding academic achievement.
Chun Fang (Nora) Cheng

The Society of Professors in Christian Education Award in EdD/PhD Studies Program
A certificate given to a graduate student in the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Education in Educational Studies program for outstanding academic achievement.
Stephen Ivester
Megan Brown

The Rev. and Mrs. David Doerksen Award in Missions
Given to the student in the Seminary who does the best work for the year in the Department of Missions and Intercultural Studies.
Justin Lee

The Richard Ackermann Award Scholarship
Given to a student who has accepted God's call to ministry later in life and as a result, is pursuing an MDiv or MA in Bible Exposition, New Testament or Old Testament.
Mark Davison

The Robert N. Oliver Award in Systematic Theology
Given to the student with the best work for the year in the Department of Systematic Theology.
Mark Matthes

The Robin Finley Memorial Scholarship Award in Missions
Given to a continuing student at Talbot School of Theology who is planning to serve on the mission field.
Seungil Yang

Certificate in Spiritual Formation
Presented to students who have completed the course of academic study in the one-year program known as the "Certificate in Spiritual Formation."
Dae Do Suh

The Walker Scholarship Award in Outreach
Given to a Seminary student with special interest and ability in the area of outreach, established by the International Fisherman's Club.
Geoffrey Mann

The William W. Bass Memorial Scholarship Award
Given to a second or third year student who has demonstrated a keen interest in Philosophy of Religion and/or Theology.
Trevor Nyman

The Zondervan Award in Biblical Hebrew
Given to an outstanding Talbot student for singular achievement in the study of Biblical Hebrew.
Arthur Daniels

The Zondervan Award in Greek
Given to an outstanding Seminary student for excellence in the study of Greek
Stephanie Schwartz

The Zondervan Outstanding Master's Thesis Award
Awarded to the student who produces a thesis of the highest quality at the Th.M., M.Div., or M.A. level. The thesis exhibits superior academic research, coupled with implications for the life of the church.
Andrew Yee

Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges

  • Samuel Blanco
  • Timothy Cadillac
  • Angelina Centanni
  • Eric Choi
  • Brian Crawford
  • Nicole Dunaetz
  • Chun Fang Cheng
  • Jason Friese
  • Christopher Gioielli
  • Miriam Goossen
  • Heather Hartwell
  • Nathan Hogan
  • Lisa Igram
  • Abigail Irwin
  • Erin Jantz
  • Samuel Jepsen
  • Daniel Kim
  • Jennifer Kim
  • Karo Ku
  • Sung Kwon
  • David Limbaugh
  • Isaiah Lin
  • Patrick McDonald
  • Russell Miller
  • Kelley Miller
  • Nathan Mueller
  • Janice Munemitsu
  • David Myers
  • Edward Park
  • Adam Rhodes
  • Cathy Schmidt
  • Jason Smith
  • David Strobolakos
  • Lai Chi Tam