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Community Threat


ݮƵ seeks to provide a safe and healthy environment in which all members of the University Community are able to pursue their academic and personal development. In doing so, it reserves the right to implement a process, which may culminate in the temporary removal, interim suspension, suspension or dismissal of any student in circumstances seriously affecting the health or wellbeing of all members of the University community, or where physical safety is seriously threatened. Additionally, the University may seek action to prevent any member of the University community from jeopardizing the educational process.


Danger to University Community

Danger to the health or safety of the University community is defined as any act, or planned act, that places any student, member of the administration, faculty or staff, or any campus visitor at reasonable risk of bodily harm, exposure to illness, loss of life, or destruction of property. Further, a student may be considered to pose a direct threat to the health of others if current medical information indicates that the student's behavior and/or medical condition could reasonably expose others to illness or disease. This exposure risk must exceed that commonly found in community environments and would include a student's possession of a presently contagious illness or disease and/or failure to maintain appropriate hygiene.


Jeopardizing the Educational Process

Jeopardizing the educational process is defined as any disruptive act that within reason impedes a student's functioning within an academic or community life setting. A violation may include a single disruptive act or ongoing acts and will usually involve complaints from students, faculty, or staff. In determining violations, an assessment will be made of the nature of the disruption, the content and frequency of the complaint(s), and the number of complainants.


University Response

While ݮƵ expects all students to meet its Standards of Conduct, it recognizes that some students possess medical or psychological conditions that may affect functioning within these Standards. Additionally, students may not be discriminated against on the basis of verified physical or psychological disability as determined according to applicable federal and/or state law provided that they remain otherwise qualified, which is defined as being able to meet the fundamental academic and behavioral standards of the University. When making any assessment of a student’s wellbeing, the University will implement an individual assessment model. These models will assess observable conduct that affects the health, safety, or welfare of the campus community. Biola adopts a holistic approach, which utilizes available individual medical documentation from appropriate University professionals as well as the assessments of the student’s treating health care professionals.

If medical or psychological intervention is needed to secure the wellbeing of members of the University community, the University may choose to offer the student a variety of voluntary options prior to any involuntary action imposed by the University. If the student fails to meet the behavioral standards or refuses to accept voluntary action, the University may take action up to, and including, suspension or dismissal. However, involuntary removal is to be used only in emergency or direct threat situations determined based on a reasonable assessment of the current circumstances.

In any University investigation, the student has a right to a fair and reasonable process that attempts to secure the health and safety of the University community and respects and considers the student’s interests. A student facing voluntary or involuntary action will be given notice by the Vice President of Student Development or his/her designee of all concerns and proceedings against him/her. Additionally, the student will be given an opportunity to present information on his/her behalf. Furthermore, if the student is unsatisfied with the University decision, he/she may file a complaint or appeal pursuant to the appropriate University process stated in the student handbook.


Return Policy

Subsequent to action taken by the University addressing a danger or threat to the University community by a student, whether voluntarily undertaken by the student or involuntarily imposed on the student, the individual student will be required to proceed through a clearance process before returning to enrollment, residential living, or other University activities. The process will be based upon an individual assessment of the circumstances surrounding the student and actions taken. The University retains broad discretion in imposing requirements for students to rejoin the University community in order to ensure the entire University community remains in a safe, healthy, and encouraging environment. Any “behavioral contract” will include terms tailored to the individual student to whom it applies.
