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Chapel Opportunities

We offer a variety of chapels, please join us!

Singspiration logo
Sunday “Singspiration”

8-9 p.m., Chase Gymnasium
This Sunday evening chapel invites us into an honest conversation with God through an extended time of prayer and worship.

Compelled logo
Monday “Compelled” Chapels

9:30-10:20 a.m., Ethel Lee Auditorium (Sutherland)
Join us in morning chapels where we will exposit Paul’s letters to the Corinthians to invite our community to live out the fullness of the gospel.

Calvary Chapel
Tuesday Talbot Chapels

9:30-10:20 a.m., Calvary Chapel
Undergraduates are welcomed to the Talbot community to worship in music and hear the Word preached and taught by many of Biola’s own theology faculty as well as visiting lecturers.

AfterDark logo
Tuesday “AfterDark” Chapels

9:10-10:10 p.m.
This chapel is led by students, for students, and covers a broad range of teachings from God’s Word.

Compelled logo
Wednesday “Compelled” Chapels

9:30-10:20 a.m., Ethel Lee Auditorium (Sutherland)
Join us in morning chapels where we will exposit Paul’s letters to the Corinthians to invite our community to live out the fullness of the gospel.

Fives logo
Thursday “Fives” Prayer

5-5:45 p.m., Calvary Chapel
Named simply for the time it meets, Fives calls Biolans to gather at dusk and be led in quiet prayer as we practice the spiritual rhythms of thanksgiving, confession, and scripture meditation, focusing on the psalms and songs of Scripture.

Biola Hour
Biola Hour

Scheduled occasionally throughout the semester. Check biola.edu/chapel for details.

The Biola Hour is a podcast/interview style chapel featuring biblically grounded conversations on culturally relevant issues designed to help us cultivate our calling to love God and others in our everyday lives