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Faculty & Staff

The faculty and staff at the School of Fine Arts and Communication are experienced, skilled and dedicated to their students. Read the bios below and get to know our team.

Dean's Office

Todd Guy
Dean, School of Fine Arts and Communication
Zehavi Husser
Associate Dean, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts, School of Fine Arts and Communication
Joy Qualls
Associate Dean, Division of Communication, School of Fine Arts and Communication

Conservatory of Music

Ken Aiso
Applied Lesson Instructor, Viola
Mike Ahn
Dean of Spiritual Development
Sierra Allen
Applied Lesson Instructor, Clarinet
Nancy Andeel
Applied Lesson Instructor, Contemporary Voice
Jeff Askew
Associate Professor, Guitar and Commercial Music
Bruce Babad
Adjunct Professor
Elliott Bark
Applied Lesson Instructor, Composition
Daniel Brier
Assistant Professor, Music and Orchestra Director
Brooke Brooks
Operations Manager, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts
Noelle Cablay
Adjunct Professor, Worship Arts
Olivia Carter
Adjunct Professor, Theatre
Juan Castaneda
Juan Castaneda
Applied Lesson Instructor, Voice
Hye-Won Cho
Adjunct Professor, Piano
Andy Cole
Assistant Professor & Technical Director, Theatre
Casey Corum
Applied Lesson Instructor, Songwriting
Robert Denham
Associate Professor, Music Theory and Composition
Helen Dolas
Adjunct Professor, Music Therapy
Katharine Eames
Katharine Eames
Applied Lessons Instructor
Elizabeth Freeman
Adjunct Faculty, Strings
Nora Hernandez
Adjunct Professor, Music Education
Cliff Hulling
Professor, Percussion and Composition and Jazz Director
Li-Shan Hung
Professor, Piano
Lisa Jackert
Adjunct Professor, Music Therapy
Doug Jackson Jr
Applied Lesson Instructor, Electric Guitar
Jenny Kim
Jenny Kim
Applied Lesson Instructor, French Horn
San-Ky Kim
Professor, Director of Voice Studies and Opera
Ron Kobayashi
Adjunct Professor, Improvisation
Chuck Koontz
Assistant Librarian for Systems and Special Collections
Nate Laguzza
Nate Laguzza
Applied Lesson Instructor, Drumset
Jung-A Lee
Applied Lesson Instructor, Organ
Julie Long
Julie Long
Applied Lesson Instructor, Flute
David Loucks
Applied Lesson Instructor, Contemporary Voice
Elizabeth Low-Atwater
Applied Lesson Instructor, Bassoon
Karl Meyers
Assistant Professor, Music and Symphonic Winds Director
Lawrence Mumford
Applied Lesson Instructor, Composition
Drew Ninmer
Drew Ninmer
Applied Lesson Instructor, Trumpet
Kathy Oh
Kathy Oh
Applied Lesson Instructor, Oboe
Matt Ordaz
Adjunct Professor
Beth Nam Pak
Adjunct Professor, Piano
Jenni Pinedo
Academic Coordinator, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts
Raquel Ravaglioli
Associate Professor, Music Therapy
Carlos Rivera
Carlos Rivera
Applied Lesson Instructor, String Bass
Katharin Rundus
Katharin Rundus
Applied Lesson Instructor, Voice
Michael Rushman
Applied Lesson Instructor, Trombone
Ellery Sablan
Recruitment and Marketing Admin, Conservatory of Music
Shawna Stewart
Associate Professor and Director of Choral Activities
Norm Stockton
Applied Lesson Instructor, Electric Bass
John Tebay
Adjunct Professor, University Chorus
Mary Towson
Adjunct Professor, Music
Rachel Tracie
Associate Professor of Theatre
Leonora Wagner
Adjunct Professor, Music History
Tommy Walker
Artist in Residence, Worship Arts
Michael Watts
Adjunct Professor, New Media Composition
Keith Williams
Adjunct Professor, Cello
Sarah Williams
Adjunct Professor, Piano
Chris Wills
Adjunct Professor, Composition
J Michael O'Neal
Applied Lesson Instructor, Contemporary Piano

Department of Art

Zehavi Husser
Associate Dean, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts, School of Fine Arts and Communication
Jonathan Puls
Chair, Department of Art
Luke Aleckson
Professor of Art
Sang Bang
Adjunct Professor, Illustration
Melissa Beck
Adjunct Professor, Sculpture
Kevin Browning
Art Studio Manager
Dan Callis III
Professor of Art
Daniel Chang
Associate Professor of Art
Kari Dunham
Adjunct Professor, Drawing and Painting
Laura Brand
Adjunct Professor, Ceramics
Aaron Holmes
Assistant Professor, Art
Tina Park
Adjunct Professor, Art History
Christian Perez-Morin
Adjunct Professor, Design
Thel Rountree
Adjunct Professor, Photography
Christine Smith
Adjunct Professor, Photography
Astri Swendsrud
Associate Professor of Art
Kevin Tan
Adjunct Professor, Animation
Laura Carey
Laura Carey
Administrative Assistant

Division of Communication

Joy Qualls
Associate Dean, Division of Communication, School of Fine Arts and Communication
Michael Longinow
Professor of Journalism
Tim Muehlhoff
Professor of Communication
Arianna Molloy
Associate Professor, Communication
Stewart Oleson
Associate Professor of Journalism
Dorothy Alston Calley
Assistant Professor, Communication
Anna Sinclair
Assistant Professor of Public Relations
Lauren Francis
Adjunct Professor in Communication Studies
John Mosqueda
Adjunct Professor, Communication Studies
RJ Winans
Adjunct Professor in Public Relations
Brian Miller
Associate Vice President, University Marketing
Brenda Velasco
Senior Director of University Communications
Jenna Loumagne
Director of Media Relations and Strategic Communications
Chase Andre
Instructor in Communication Core and Digital Learning
Ava Burdette
Career Specialist: Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts, School of Fine Arts & Communication
Eva Rivera
Academic Coordinator, Division of Communication
Michael Matchell
Adjunct Faculty
Todd Lewis
Professor Emeritus
Stephanie Calley
Adjunct, Communication Studies