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President Corey's Post-Election Message

November 9, 2020

Dear Biola Community,

Last week, prior to our national election, I wrote to encourage you to exercise your right to vote, to pray earnestly, to respect those who choose to vote differently from you and to trust in God's sovereignty no matter the outcome.

On Saturday, America's major news outlets called Joseph R. Biden Jr. as president-elect of the United States. In presidential elections, our nation expresses its will through our time-honored democratic process. Understanding there are political differences among us, even at Biola, I remind you of what I have said to you before. That is, no political party has a corner on how we live as Christians. This shouldn’t be a surprise, since none of the political platforms was written to be faithful to Scripture.

Let us continue to pray for the unity of our nation and for the blessing of God on our leaders. Now is the time to follow the words of Paul to young Timothy when he said, "I urge that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made in behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

May we be seen as a university resolute in our biblical convictions, gracious in our disposition, generous in our listening, radical in our love and evident to all that we live out the gospel in word and action. As redeemed followers of Christ, my prayer is that we live into the sacred task to which God has called us, full of truth and full of grace.

One way to participate in cultivating these values in our community is to attend Biola's live post-election online conversation, "With Malice Toward None," at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10. I hope you will join me and others from Biola for this important conversation on moving forward as an academic community, as faithful Christians and as a blessed nation.

Yours in Christ.


Barry H. Corey
