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Current Students

Explore how to get involved with the History Department and the various resources offered to our current students.

three students sitting in a coffee shop

Study Abroad Opportunities

Off-Campus Programs offer a unique opportunity for junior and senior students to make the world their classroom. Biola through its partnership with the and other respected organizations offers students unique life-changing learning opportunities here in the U.S. and among other cultures, experiences we believe as vital to fulfilling our mission and equipping our students to live and serve effectively in a diverse world.

Get Involved

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society

Students with 12 hours of history credit and a minimum GPA of 3.1 and overall GPA minimum of 3.0 are eligible to become members. For more information, please contact the department office. Induction into the Society will be on October 28 – please apply ASAP! Visit for more information.

Mission Statement

We are a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. We seek to bring students, teachers and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society

University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, SOC107
Tampa, FL 33620

Tele: (800) 394-8195, (813) 974-8212
Fax: (813) 974-8215
Email: phialpha@phialphatheta.org

American Historical Association

Among the numerous organizations that serve historians, only the AHA brings together historians from all geographical, chronological, and topical specializations and all work contexts, embracing the breadth and variety of activity in history today. More importantly, only the AHA addresses the interests of the discipline as a whole as well as the diverse needs of its individual members. Membership in the AHA provides enhanced career development opportunities, advanced teaching and learning and national leadership on issues such as academic freedom, access to archives, the centrality of history to public culture, improvements in curricula, and other vital issues.

For more information, go to  and .

National Council on Public History

NCPH inspires public engagement with the past and serves the needs of practitioners in putting history to work in the world by building community among historians, expanding professional skills and tools, fostering critical reflection on historical practice, and publicly advocating for history and historians.

If your goal is to engage the public in history, then you should be a part of the National Council on Public History. NCPH brings together people, agencies, businesses, and institutions that share your commitment to putting history to work. Click here to  your membership today, or check out our for more information! Don’t wish to renew online? Download the  form to mail or fax.

Conference on Faith and History

The Conference on Faith and History is a community of scholars exploring the relationship between Christian faith and history. As part of a university that seeks to integrate our faith into our studies and our lives, the History, Government and Social Science Department finds a natural partner in this conference, and seeks to be involved in its future growth development. The primary goal of the Conference is to encourage excellence in the theory and practice of history from the perspective of historic Christianity.

The purpose of the Conference on Faith and History is multifold. By providing a forum for discussion of philosophies, methods, and traditions of history, the conference fosters research in the general area of faith and history, and encourages and advances teaching and research informed by Christian faith commitments. The conference seeks to bring the concerns and perspectives of Christian historians before the larger historical community through the sponsorship of international, national and regional meetings.

During one's years at Biola, opportunities to be involved in the Conference on Faith and History will arise, and we hope that as a member of our small community of Christian historians, you will take these opportunities. These opportunities include attending Biennial conferences and student research conferences, attending a bi-annual one-day student conference (which we highly encourage all students to attend), as well as seeking publication in the Conferences journal, Fides et Historia.

For more info on the Conference on Faith and History, visit the .