Forms and FAQs
Explore our additional admissions forms and frequently asked questions covering areas such as admissions, degree program details and financial aid.
Additional Admissions Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will my program take?
The typical time frame to complete the credential program is 3-4 semesters, while the master's program is 4-6 semesters. Each program is personalized by the student, with the guidance of an academic advisor, to determine a timeline that works best for the student.
Can Biola offer me a CSET waiver?
Biola may issue subject matter waivers for degrees and/or coursework that are pre-approved by the California Commission for Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). However, please bear in mind that the CSET is merely one option, of several, to fulfill the Subject Matter Competency (SMC). For more information, please contact the School of Education (
I'd like to apply for the master鈥檚 or credential program, but my bachelor's degree is from outside of the United States. Is it still valid?
An internationally obtained four-year degree must be evaluated by an approved foreign evaluation agency to determine whether your degree is approved within the United States. Please see this leaflet for approved .
I am a substitute teacher. Can any of my hours count for fieldwork or student teaching?
If you are teaching or substituting full time in a classroom, your professor will reduce your fieldwork hours for certain courses. Please note that your classroom/school district must meet the CTC criteria for fieldwork and student teaching.
If I have already been accepted to Biola's graduate teaching credential program, I am assuming this means I can complete the program. So why am I applying to student teach?
Biola has prerequisite requirements for credential students to begin student teaching (ST). To be approved for ST, all credential students must submit an application and pass a faculty interview to confirm the student's readiness and to receive departmental approval.
Why do I have to take another graduate theology course when my district will not honor the credits on the pay scale?
The theology requirement is a 黑莓视频 graduate program standard established by the Graduate Studies Committee and the Provost. It reflects 黑莓视频鈥檚 strong commitment to integrate educational principles with biblical teaching. Additionally, some districts will count the credits on the pay scale.
I graduated from Biola's undergraduate program and am transitioning into the graduate education program. Am I allowed to pre-register for classes for the next semester?
You are not able to automatically pre-register for classes as a graduate of a Biola undergraduate program because you must first re-apply at the graduate level (because you are essentially beginning a new program). The graduate program has additional requirements, and the application process serves as a checkpoint on these requirements. If you have already been accepted to Biola鈥檚 education program as an undergraduate student, please contact the School of Education for a transitioning application to the graduate education programs.
Can I transfer in a course to Biola with a "C" grade?
No, you cannot transfer in courses with 鈥淐鈥 letter grades. The School of Education requires that students maintain a 3.0 GPA for graduation, which is the equivalent of a 鈥淏鈥 letter grade; therefore, all coursework being transferred in from another college or university must have been completed with the 3.0 minimum requirement.
Do extension courses transfer into the M.A.Ed. program?
The Office of the Registrar only recognizes courses that count toward a student鈥檚 degree. Therefore, most extension courses do not count toward a master鈥檚 degree. However, they may waive some credential and certificate requirements. If needed, please contact a Biola credential analyst at (562) 903-4843 to answer any questions related to your previous coursework.
If I first apply only for the graduate teaching credential, how and when do I change to the master鈥檚 program? Is there a separate application?
If you meet the master鈥檚 program requirements, a (COP) must be submitted to the School of Education. You will be notified if your request to change into a master鈥檚 and credential program is accepted or denied.
Regarding the pastoral reference to get into the program: What if I belong to a large church and do not personally know the pastor? Is there anyone else who can provide the reference?
A spiritual leader in your church who knows you personally would be permissible (e.g. deacon, deaconess, elder, small group leader, etc.) for admission. The pastor's reference must come from the church that you have been currently involved with for the past year.
What if I have not been involved in a church?
Biola's distinction as a Christian university is that all of our students are professing Christians who regularly participate in the body of Christ through fellowship with their local church. If you're not currently attending a church, we encourage you to connect with your Graduate Admissions counselor to discuss your options.
Degree Programs
How do I meet the U.S. Constitution requirement? Is this a class or an exam? Where can I take it?
The U.S. Constitution requirement is met by completion of an approved course, passage of a U.S. constitution exam, or a B.A./B.S. CSU degree. See program requirements for multiple subject or single subject credential programs for more details.
Why do I have to take multiple subject pedagogy courses if I am also taking the CSET, which covers multiple subjects?
The CSET exam meets the state subject matter competency requirement. However, the multiple subject pedagogy courses integrate strategies and methodology with content.
What happens if I can't pass the CSET? Can I still student teach?
No, you must pass all subtests of the CSET prior to applying for student teaching.
Can my credential courses roll over into either master鈥檚 program?
Graduate-level Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential courses can be applied to the M.A.T and M.A.Ed, when a Single Subject or Multiple Subject Credential concentration is chosen and completed with student teaching (see program requirements).
Graduate-level Special Education Credential courses can be applied to the MAT or M.A. Ed., Special Education programs; MAT or M.A.Ed., Special Education (Mild/Moderate) Credential program; or the M.S. in Special Education program. Induction/Clear Credential courses can be applied to the MAT or M.A.Ed., Induction/Clear Credential programs.
What is the farthest distance Biola supervisors would be willing to travel?
As long as we can support you in your student teaching with a supervisor who is a Biola employee, aligned with the spiritual values of the university, and have an agreement with your chosen school district, we will make every effort to accommodate you. These requests are handled on a case-by-case basis.
If I fail a course in the graduate education program, what are my options?
If you fail a course in the graduate education program, you need to retake the course and pass it in order to meet program requirements for graduation.
What happens if my GPA goes below 2.75 in the graduate credential program (or below 3.0 in the M.A.Ed. or M.A.T.)?
If your GPA drops below the required program GPA, you will be placed on probationary status with a formal academic contract stating expectations for continuance in the program.