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Courses | B.S. in Health Sciences

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, .

Graduate/Professional School Requirements

The student should be aware that most graduate programs and many professional schools require an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 and that a grade of C or better was earned for all science courses and they will not accept Advanced Placement science credit to fulfill the entrance requirements.

Curriculum Requirements

Pre-Health Care Professional (68+ Credits)

The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree offers one concentration: Pre-Health Care Professional.

For Pre-Health Care Professional careers, especially Pre-Physical Therapy and Pre-Physician’s Assistant, this degree/concentration is offered upon the completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements as follows:

Health Sciences majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 9 credits in science, mathematics, and behavioral science within the major. The foreign language requirement is met by two years of high school study in the same language or four credits of college foreign language. is strongly recommended and meets the Philosophy Core Curriculum requirement.
Program Courses

Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology
and Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory

Fundamentals of Organismal Biology
and Fundamentals of Organismal Biology Laboratory
Sophomore Writing Seminar1
Human Anatomy4
or  Advanced Physiology
Cell and Molecular Biology3
Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology1
Environmental Health: An Ecological Perspective4
Introduction to Psychology 13
Introduction to Psychopathology3
or  Developmental Psychology: Lifespan
Supporting Science courses 2
Introduction to Chemistry 33

General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Lab

General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab

Organic Chemistry I
and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry I
Introduction to Probability and Statistics3
or  Biostatistics

Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory 4
Physics I with Foundations
and Physics I Laboratory
General Physics I: Mechanics and Heat
and General Physics I Laboratory
Select 12 credits from the following (9 credits of upper-division BIOS, 3 credits of BIOS/KNES/PSYC)12
Vertebrate Biology
Nutrition and Metabolism
Nutrition and Metabolism Lab

and Laboratory in Genetics
Medical Terminology
Advanced Microbiology
Developmental Biology
Topics in Advanced Biology
Design of Life
General Virology
Clinical Observation Practicum
Directed Research
Exercise Physiology
Introduction to Psychopathology
Developmental Psychology: Lifespan
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Psychology of Family
Program Course Requirements: 68-71 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements 554-58
Total Credits122-129

Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


The following courses do not count as supporting science or major electives: , , , .


is waived for students who meet the qualifications to enter . See the current Placement Options for CHEM 105 for more information.


All students who do not meet one of the Physics 111 Placement Options must enroll in . The prerequisite for is  or an Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB or BC exam score of 4 or higher.


See  for details.

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