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Courses | B.S. in Computer Science

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, .

Curriculum Requirements

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Computer Science majors automatically meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits of mathematics. The foreign language requirement may be met by two years of high school language or the first 4 credits of a college foreign language.
Program Courses
All concentrations must include 24 upper-division credits. The following courses are required:
Introduction to Computer Science3
Data Structures3
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming3
Programming Languages3
Computer Communications3
Software Engineering3
Program Course Requirements: 18 credits
Select a Concentration detailed below38-39
Core Curriculum Requirements 164
Total Credits120-121

See  for details.


Standard Computer Science (38 Credits)

Concentration Courses
Operating Systems3
User Interface Design and Programming3
Theory of Algorithms3
Select any two additional CSCI elective courses at the 300 or 400 level 16
Calculus I4
Calculus II4
Discrete Structures3
Linear Algebra3
Numerical Analysis3
or  Operations Research
Select two courses at the 300 or 400 level in Computer Science or Math 16
Total Credits38

If is selected as a CSCI upper-division elective, it may be taken multiple times with different topics

Data Science and Information Systems (39 Credits)

Concentration Courses
Management Information Systems3
Business Analytics3
Database Management3
Fundamentals of Calculus3
or  Calculus I
Discrete Structures3
Introduction to Probability and Statistics3
or  Biostatistics
Select any two of the following:6
Programming for Data Science I
Programming for Data Science II
Operating Systems
User Interface Design and Programming
Select any two additional CSCI elective courses at the 300 or 400 level6
Select any three of the following CSCI/BUSN/MATH Electives: 9
The Nature of Computing
Theory of Algorithms
Topics in Computer Science 1
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Business Finance
Advanced Business Analytics
Calculus II
Linear Algebra
Statistics II
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Statistics
Operations Research
Statistical Consulting Practicum
Statistics and Data Science Capstone
Total Credits39

may be taken multiple times with different topics.

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