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Courses | M.A. in Science and Religion

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. For more program details, including graduation requirements and learning outcomes, .

Curriculum Requirements

Program Courses
Science and Religion Core
Historical Perspectives in Science and Religion2
Darwin, Evolution, and Design2
Modern Physics, Cosmology, and Design2
Intelligent Design Seminar2
Religious Studies Core
Research Methodologies1
Authority of Scriptural Traditions2
Old Testament/Hebrew Literature3
New Testament Literature3
Christian Thought I2
Christian Thought II3
Psychology of Belief I2
Psychology of Belief II1
Philosophy Overview 1
Metaphysics and Epistemology3
Philosophy and Theology of Science3
Elective Courses (see Department for advising and approval of elective courses)8
Total Credits39

Students who already have a strong background in philosophy may, with advisor approval, take additional approved electives in place of the required credits.

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