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Section 5

Eastern Wing

Calvary Chapel’s eastern wing features decorative stained-glass, as well as panes depicting Bible passages about the Prodigal Son, Jesus’ interactions with Nicodemus, and Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.

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The Prodigal Son

Standing in the middle of the chapel and looking toward the main entry door, we see a variety of windows that are blue in color. Beginning from the left, you will see two depictions of the story of the Prodigal Son, returning home to the forgiving embrace of his loving father (). These two images depict the idea of forgiveness, which is important to note in contrast to the scenes of suffering depicted in select windows in the chapel. The windows here illustrate a beautiful picture of love, forgiveness and redemption.

The Four Gospels

This window, found to the right of window depicting the Prodigal Son, illustrates the traditional symbols of the four Gospel authors: Luke, represented by an ox; Matthew, represented by a winged man; Mark, represented by a lion; and John, represented by an eagle.

Nicodemus Visits Christ

The final set of windows (to the right of the entrance) depict two scenes from the Gospels. On the top, we see Nicodemus, a Pharisee, talking to Jesus, asking what it means to be born again (). Nicodemus is present twice in Christ’s life: once at the crucifixion, when Christ is taken down from the cross, and once in the nighttime conversation with Christ about faith and doubt. The Nicodemus window displays a dialogue where the two participants are deeply rooted in their views. A battle of thoughts, feelings and paradoxes of faith is played out in the nighttime light, in an arena.

Christ in Gethsemane

The bottom window depicts Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before the crucifixion, in a posture of anguish (). Facing this window, we see another nighttime battle with Christ, who lies on the ground in the garden uttering a final prayer to his Father. Christ has never felt so alone, and his apostles have never been so absent. It is said that a full moon appeared in the early morning of Good Friday. Like a wedge or a pendulum, the full moon and its rays point toward the praying Christ.