As the Dean of Talbot School of Theology, I clearly love and appreciate theology and theological education. Studying, clarifying and training in theological education matters now more than ever before. I love Talbot’s international and multi-denominational reach while holding to the bedrock theological convictions of evangelical faith. Theology matters, and it matters to me.
And, I love how the Talbot School of Theology is leading the way in so many ways.
For example, theology is clearly connected to our historic, biblical view of ethics, especially sexual ethics. Because of this, I encourage you to take a look at this issue’s conversation with Scott Rae and Talbot alumnus Caleb Kaltenbach. This article discusses how pastors can navigate questions with truth and grace in a world where Christians have a view that is increasingly outside of mainstream culture.
Another way that Talbot is leading the way is our focus on spiritual formation. We want to know God rightly in our heads, and we want to love him truly in our hearts. Knowledge is critical, but by itself can be dangerous. Paul warned long ago, “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up” (1 Cor. 8:1). There’s a reason that first year seminarians have a certain reputation. Learning so much so quickly can make you big like a bobble-head, a little top heavy. Spiritual formation fills out the rest of life to catch up with that learning.
I’m glad we focus on spiritual formation so intentionally at Talbot through our Institute for Spiritual Formation. This emphasis leavens into the entire Talbot and Biola ecosystem, putting an emphasis on discipleship and character in the midst of our learning.
Character has never mattered more in our culture. We understand this every time another story piles onto the tragic wreckage of so many ministries led by those with knowledge and skill but lacking character.
In fact, formation matters so much because theology matters so much. Theological education is truly theological formation—or at least it should be. We are growing to know and love God with all that we are, so that we can show and share the love of Jesus with winsome conviction (another wonderful Biola emphasis).
So I invite you into this issue of Talbot Magazine, for learning about all that God is doing in our midst. And make no mistake, he is doing a lot. He is actively growing our community from the neighborhoods of America and the nations around the world. For theological education, for ethical navigation and for spiritual formation.