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  • Tenacity in Ambiguity

    an interview with Monica Hopson

    Lisa Igram

    A number of our GRIT community are eager to be graduating in just a few short months. Actually, “eager” may not be quite right... anxious?...

  • How to be a Young Leader

    a blog by Sharon Hodde Miller

    Sarah Schwartz

    If you aren’t familiar with Propel, get familiar! With the mission of “celebrating every woman’s passion, purpose, and potential” this organization...

  • Sarah Schwartz

    The first time I stumbled across this piece, I was 22 years old, freshly heartbroken, and about to walk across the stage at my college graduation....

  • On Being White (And Talking About It)

    a blog by Dr. Jamie Campbell

    Sarah Schwartz

    Professor Jamie Campbell is one of my favorite people (and voices) on campus. Like the students she writes about, I was raised to believe that all...

  • Celeste Scott

    As a woman of color at a predominantly white institution I often find myself wondering, what I can bring to the table. Understanding where my...

  • Sarah Schwartz

    It was 14th century philosopher and theologian, Catherine of Siena, who said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”...

  • Sarah Schwartz

    I have to admit, it’s a little weird to write about a chapel where I was the speaker. But I’m willing to push past that, because I don’t think we’...

  • Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

    a TED talk by Angela Lee Duckworth

    Sarah Schwartz

    I’m a sucker for a good TED talk, and let me tell you, this is a good TED talk. Psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth opens by explaining how she...

  • Our Sacred Women

    a company with grit

    Sarah Schwartz

    One of my resolutions for 2017 is to shop ethically—that is, to fill my wardrobe with items from companies that pay their workers a living wage, as...

  • Too Small? The Book of Job & the Comforts of God

    a chapel talk by Dr. Melissa Schubert

    Sarah Schwartz

    When I think of women I look up to on campus, Dr. Melissa Schubert’s name is high on the list. She is fiercely intelligent—possessing the ability...

  • Whisperings of Wannabe

    a chapel talk with Shelly Cunningham

    Celeste Scott

    It is human nature, I would argue, to compare ourselves to others. We compare our dingy, over-worn Converse to the pristine, white Adidas of...

  • Celeste Scott

    We all know that suffering exists in this world. What many of us don’t know is how to deal with it. In this super-short clip Liz Hall walks us...

  • Celeste Scott

    If you’re anything like me, you probably love the idea of “self-love” but struggle with the practicality of it. A huge thing that has hindered me...

  • Celeste Scott

    If you’re like me, when you see the words “silence and solitude” your immediate reaction is, “Nope. Not about it.” I get it. There’s almost...

  • The Value of Disagreement

    a blogpost by Alissa Wilkinson

    Celeste Scott

    As an extremely strong-willed woman who “sticks to her guns”, I am not a big fan of disagreement, to say the least. I often associate my personal...

  • With God in the Valley of Shadow

    a torrey session by Dr. Christina Lee Kim

    Lisa Igram

    I have deep respect for Dr. Christina Lee Kim. I’ve had the opportunity to hear her speak on several occasions, and I am consistently struck by...

  • Sanctified through Uncertainty

    an interview with Cherilyn Gan

    Lisa Igram

    Biola hopes that its graduates will impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ. Well here’s someone who is. Cherilyn was a global student at...

  • Moses, a Burning Bush, and Our Calling

    a blog post by Bianca Juárez Olthoff

    Lisa Igram

    Over the years I’ve had the privilege of sitting with many Biola students, and I hear this question arise from the depths of their souls over and over again...

  • Mental Health and Depression

    a chapel talk by Dr. Michelle Willingham

    Elizabeth Pintarich

    At age 13, my family and I experienced 7 deaths in one year. Some were family, some were friends—some were expected, and one was a complete...

  • With God in the Questions

    an interview with Whitney Luigs

    Lisa Igram

    Quick quiz: What do the letters in “BIOLA” stand for? Answer: Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Biola was founded by a group of women and men who...

  • Gifting

    Lisa Igram

    Katelyn Beaty speaks on the ways God has used women throughout scripture to accomplish his kingdom work.

  • Process Over Product

    an interview with Leticia Trujillo

    Lisa Igram

    One thing I’ve learned in my 9 years working at Biola: Biola. Grads. Rock. Seriously, I am inspired by you. Some of you are stay-at-home moms, in...

  • Alex Bell

    Martha Daniel graduated from high school during the peak of the Civil Rights movement and was the first African American to be integrated to her...

  • Discernment: Decision Making & Leadership Opportunities

    a chapel by Spiritual Development Staff

    Alex Bell

    When I hear the word “discernment” my stomach does somersaults. It’s an idea that’s hard to grasp and even harder to put into practice. Sometimes...

  • Love

    an article by Christena Cleveland

    Alex Bell

    I am a self proclaimed perfectionist. I’ve been this way since I was a young girl—and now that I’m older, I understand how my perfectionism has...