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Category: Missions

  • Sue Russell — 

    One of the privileges of being a mission educator is to prepare and equip the students of the next generation to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Perhaps the greatest challenge is not training them for the ministry that I had, but for the ministry to which God is calling them. I believe that the Spirit of God leads each generation in a unique way and one of the challenges is being sensitive to that calling. As we prepare students we need to be aware of the changing conditions of the field, which I will discuss in later posts; but we also need to equip them for the unique calling to which God has called them.

  • David Talley — 

    Hebrews 11 is often referenced as the “Hall of Faith” because its chapter is filled with the recounting of memories of saints of old who willingly gave their lives in service to our Lord. From time to time I encounter modern day saints who have clearly lived a life consistent with this great line of witnesses.

  • David Talley — 

    With thousands upon thousands daily passing from our world, awakening to the reality of a Christ-less eternity without hope or salvation, new strategies toward the evangelization and discipling of the nations are desperately needed. Today, we are witnessing more than ever, a move of the Spirit across former mission fields, as the 2nd/3rd World takes aim toward the daunting challenge of completing The Great Commission mandate. Such a reality gives cause for great joy as mission ministry is no longer only a Western movement. Countries like South Korea, China and Brazil are changing the way we’ve always thought of mission work. History is being rewritten before our very eyes. There’s no doubt the Latin American mission movement is making, and will continue to make, a significant impact in reaching many of the still unreached “creative access” nations, particularly within the Islamic family. With tremendous linguistic advantage, worldview commonality and a simple physiological similarity, some of the best missionaries to the Islamic peoples are proving to be Latin American in heritage.