Despite the pain and suffering of this world, God is obviously moving in many nations. Christians around the globe are surrendering their lives daily to the purposes of God. The gospel is going forth, and people from every tribe and nation are getting saved. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
In November 2012, mission leaders from around the world gathered in Indonesia to establish an agenda for the next seven years, which would provide a focus to reaching the world with the gospel. The Transform World conference was a global think tank, and much was accomplished during the days this group was gathered. However, apart from the relationships that were formed and deepened, the main accomplishment was a list of goals and strategies. It was only a first step.
The second and most important step is happening now in Kansas City. The leadership and supporters of Transform World have gathered in KC at the International House of Prayer with a very important purpose. They are laying their goals, their strategies, and their agendas before the Lord for a period of three days of prayer and fasting. They are .
I encourage you to check it out. The IHOP is an amazing group. It will be encouraging to you to learn about their ministry. They are the hosts for Transform World during these three days.
I also encourage you to pray with them. God is moving in this world, and we have the wonderful privilege to be a part of what he is doing. May the Lord continue to move and may he stir your heart to prayer.