In fall 2016 adjunct faculty member traveled to Pakistan as the keynote speaker for a worship symposium. His book, “,” recently translated into the native language of Urdu, was launched at the symposium as a resource for the Pakistani Christians. In March this year he went back for a second time.
Brooks wrote “Worship Quest” so that worship leaders and pastors might have a resource regarding the role of leading worship.
“‘Worship Quest’ is a guide to understanding foundational questions about worship and leading in worship,” said Brooks. “I wrote it because there is much confusion within churches today regarding the role of the worship leader and a misunderstanding of the types of worship gatherings in which Christians can participate. ‘Worship Quest’ offers a practical perspective on four different roles of worship leadership and how they are to be fulfilled within various worship gatherings. My prayer is that this will help not only worship leaders, but also senior pastors, understand the dynamics of leading in worship.”
After writing his book, Brooks found himself at a lunch meeting with a friend and the invitation to minister to Pakistani Christians was made.
“I was meeting my friend, Eric Sarwar, for lunch,” recalls Brooks. “It was during that meeting Eric asked permission to translate my book into Urdu … as a resource for Pakistani church leaders. Honored by the request, I said ‘yes,’ and Eric quickly seized the opportunity to ask if I would be willing to travel to Pakistan to be the keynote speaker at the Worship Symposiums where the translated ‘Worship Quest’ would be launched.”
The symposiums would be sponsored by Tehillim School of Church Music and Worship, a training ground for Christians to use their musical and artistic gifts for the church. Brooks’ time in Pakistan was spent training up leaders in the Pakistani church.
“I taught at two worship conferences, four seminaries, and two churches,” explains Brooks. “I was invited to speak on worship leadership from a theological and spiritual formation perspective. Worship is much more than simply music, but is our right response to how God has and is revealing Himself. In addition to formal teaching and training times, we had many opportunities to minister to and pray for people in their homes.”
Though Christianity is legal in Pakistan, Islam is the prevailing religion. Less than two percent of the country profess to be Christian. Brooks spent concentrated time discipling other believers about what true belief in Christ looks like.
“A large percentage claim Christianity as more of a heritage – ‘parents and grandparents are Christian, therefore I am Christian’ –rather than as an active relationship with Jesus,” explains Brooks. “This made discipleship such an extremely important element of our ministry. Because persecution of Christians in Pakistan is common, or at the very least, they are looked down upon because of their faith in Jesus Christ, it is important for Pakistani Christians to truly understand their faith and put their complete trust in Jesus.”
Brooks is uncertain about his future travels to Pakistan.
“I’m not sure when I’ll return, but I am open to what God would have for me to do,” said Brooks.
To learn more about Worship Quest Ministries, visit their .
To learn more about the Worship Arts major at Biola visit the Conservatory of Music website.