The American Psychological Association (APA) recently recognized two professors for their contributions to the field of psychology. For her exemplary service and leadership, professor Liz Hall received the from the APA Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Professor Laura Dryjanska was selected by the APA division of International Psychology to receive an Outstanding Early Career Psychologist Award.

“Rosemead is proud of the excellent work both of these women have engaged in with APA,” said Tamara Anderson, interim dean of Rosemead School of Psychology. “It is gratifying to have their commitment and significant contributions recognized by their peers and field at large. Rosemead is fortunate to have such gifted scholars impacting the lives of our students.”

Formal recognition from the , the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, is a high honor for professionals in the field of psychology.

Hall was selected by Division 36, the Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, as the 2019 recipient of the division’s Distinguished Service Award. The honor is awarded to individuals whose service and leadership have made outstanding contributions to the division.

“Division 36 has been my academic home in the American Psychological Association since I was a graduate student,” said Hall. “It has provided me with many opportunities for professional development and research collaboration, and I have many valued friends and colleagues in the division. So this recognition of my contributions meant a great deal to me.”

Hall is currently associate editor of the Division 36 journal, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. She has served in various roles in the past including president and program chair. The division includes members across various psychological interests from research to clinical work, with many members who exclusively research issues in the psychology of religion and spirituality. Hall has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics related to women and work, mothering, sexisum, embodiment and meaning-making in suffering, always striving to bring together psychological research and theological insights. She teaches integration courses in the undergraduate program at Rosemead, and co-leads a graduate research team on women’s issues.

Dryjanska received one of two Outstanding Early Career Psychologist awards given to psychologists who have completed training within the last ten years and have made significant contributions to the field of international psychology by APA Division 52.

“I am truly thankful for the award, as it demonstrates that my professional association encourages research and service with vulnerable groups in society,” said Dryjanska. “It aligns with my dream coming true here at Biola — being able to teach a class on human trafficking to our psychology students. God has blessed me with multiple international experiences, living and working in four different countries. Receiving the award was a good reminder to continue to share what I had the privilege to learn, in the settings of classroom, publication outlets, and beyond.”

Dryjanska’s research interests and advocacy efforts focus on human trafficking and intergenerational solidarity. Her work has contributed to publications, conference presentations, grants with outcomes that further international psychology, other awards, mentoring/advising, and participation in international projects that showed tangible outcomes relevant to the mission of Division 52.

Learn more about the programs Rosemead School of Psychology offers including an online bachelor’s program.

Written by Kiana Karn, iBiola reporter intern. For more information, contact Jenna Loumagne, manager of media relations, at (562) 777-4061 or