Two ݮƵ staff members — Glen Kinoshita, director of imago dei initiatives, and Lisa Ishihara, director of chapel programs — joined more than 20 leading experts from across the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) to discuss how campuses can be inclusive in a new book titled Diversity Matters: Race, Ethnicity, and the Future of Christian Higher Education.
“Diversity Matters presents a body of work from a community of over 20 authors from across the nation who work and serve in CCCU institutions. These authors are from diverse ethnic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, and share insights on their work and journey in Christian higher education,” said Kinoshita.
Diversity Matters was created in response to controversial matters such as the white supremacist demonstration and recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia. The book provides five key areas of focus where authors offer advice to universities on how to address the controversial issues concerning the nation.
“There are lessons for all of us embedded in their narratives that will challenge, energize and touch the hearts of readers,” said Kinoshita.
Kinoshita contributed a chapter under the section “Why We Stayed: Lessons in Resiliency and Leadership from Long-Term CCCU Diversity Professionals,” which discusses how his work in diversity is deeply embedded in biblical and spiritual values, coupled with his deep-seeded love for mentoring students from diverse backgrounds.
Kinoshita founded the Student Council On Racial Reconciliation (SCORR) conference , which was represented in the book under “Best Practices” in CCCU institutions.
Ishihara’s chapter discusses how universities should strive for a unified diverse worship on campus that reflects the body of Christ and the image of God in their programming and spiritually formative ministries.
“I think the overall importance of the book is to see better, to understand more clearly and be moved into more of God's Kingdom work,” said Ishihara. “I also hope that readers will find an invitation in the book that moves them into action, into partnerships, into sharing stories about our cultures, our identities and this profound work of educating all people created in the image of God.”
Ishihara includes strategies for inclusive spiritual formation ministry and engagement, encouraging others to partner together and work as allies on their campuses to equip and educate students in her chapter as well.
“Diversity is not just an educational value; it’s a biblical priority,” said ݮƵ President Barry H. Corey. “That’s why we need resources to help us to better embody the biblical value of diversity.”
For more information and to purchase Diversity Matters please visit the website.
Written by Kili Wall, public relations intern. For more information, contact Jenna Loumagne, media relations manager, at (562) 777-4061 or