ݮƵ’s Chief of Campus Safety, John Ojeisekhoba, has been named Campus Safety Director of the Year — an honor annually awarded by — in the category of “higher ed.” The winners were announced Wednesday, June 24, at the Campus Safety National Forum in Washington, D.C.

“I am amazed and humbled. I give praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” said Ojeisekhoba. “The true champions are the men and women who work at [Biola’s] campus safety. I am thankful for the many departments on and off campus that help support us as we strive to achieve our goals.”

Some of the ways Ojeisekhoba has enhanced the Campus Safety department at Biola include increasing officer retention from an average of two years to five years, implementing stronger security measures on campus including perimeter fences, classroom and office door locks that can be locked from the inside, improved facility access control, and the ability to lockdown the campus during emergencies.

“All of these changes and improvements to ݮƵ’s Campus Safety can be attributed to Chief Ojeisekhoba’s vision and leadership,” said Deputy Chief of Campus Safety, Randy Richardson. “His example of servant leadership inspires the best from each of his employees in delivering quality service to the Biola community. We are fortunate as employees to have been blessed with the tireless efforts, drive and support of Chief John Ojeisekhoba.”

Biola faculty and staff honored Ojeisekhoba with an awards ceremony at the University on August 11. Speakers included, Biola president, Barry Corey, Robin Hattersley Gray of Campus Safety Magazine and former Biola track and field coach Leroy Neal. 

Ojeisekhoba's achievement was featured on Behind the Badge GGPD.

Full coverage of all three winners will appear in upcoming issues of Campus Safety magazine, as well as podcasts featuring the finalists on the website.

For more information about Biola’s Campus Safety, read the following articles on the , , and .

Written by Quinn Clark, special projects coordinator. For more information, contact Jenna Loumagne, media relations specialist, at 562.777.4061 or jenna.l.bartlo@biola.edu.