ݮƵ’s YouTube channel reached a major milestone in January by surpassing 1 million total video views — a tally that places Biola among YouTube’s most popular university channels.

With the 1 million views (and counting) and more than 3,300 subscribers, Biola currently ranks on YouTube’s lists of the 100 “most viewed” and 100 “most subscribed” university channels, in close proximity to such schools as Washington State, Virginia Tech, University of Chicago and Oxford University.

Since launching the YouTube channel in 2007, Biola has uploaded nearly 1,300 videos, including class lectures, chapels, conferences, faculty interviews and more. These video offerings have grown significantly in recent years as part of an aspiration to make Biola’s educational resources freely accessible across the nation and throughout the world — a goal outlined in the recently launched University Plan.

In addition to YouTube, Biola also offers free educational content on iTunes U and on , an innovative website . Between these three major video platforms, the university is now averaging more than 82,000 combined video views per month, or nearly 1 million per year.

For a sampling of Biola’s YouTube videos, try the or professor Erik Thoennes’ course.

For more information, contact Jenna Bartlo, Media Relations Specialist at jenna.l.bartlo@biola.edu or 562.777.4061.