Professor of political science, Scott Waller, invited four of his students to join him on the Frank Pastore Show May 17, 2012. The students each had a chance to share their views with Pastore regarding politics and the church.

The radio show host first asked, “What is the important issue to you guys with this presidential election?”

Junior Christian Kaiser — a political science and history major — said, “The economy and the general [idea of] bringing America back. I think we have kind of lost what America is supposed to be and I think that is going to be the main thing that people, and especially [what] I am concerned about for this election.”

Junior John Reid, a political science major, added “For our age group, it would also be jobs and the economy.”

Reid also went on to say that for the students at ݮƵ, social justice and gay marriage are also important issues.

The conversation continued on issues such as who will win the election, voter registration in the church and Romney’s religious affiliation. The students concluded with advice for Obama and Romney on how they can win.

“[Romney should] stress his economic background,” Hinton said. “The economy and jobs has been a pressing issue for our youth. If he appealed to that, he would attract more youth.”

“[Obama] can’t run on hope and change again because it is not working,” Kaiser said, encouraging for the president's campaign to switch gears.

The students spoke openly and honestly on their political views giving insight to how younger voters are viewing this election.

Written by Abbey Bennett, Media Relations Intern. For more information, contact Jenna Bartlo, Media Relations Coordinator, at 562.777.4061 or at