ݮƵ professor Erik Thoennes appeared on Fox News Studio 11 in Los Angeles to discuss the public Christian faith of NFL football star Tim Tebow.
Thoennes serves as chair of the biblical and theological studies department at ݮƵ and is a pastor at Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, Calif.
During the interview, Thoennes discussed the trend of “Tebowing” and how Tebow is living out his Christianity through integrating his faith with everyday life, including his public sports career.
“Religious faith is not something to be relegated to religious as opposed to the secular or the private as opposed to the public,” said Thoennes. “The Christian faith is one that is public.”
“Religious faith has always been part of daily and public life in America and I think it is great that he is able to celebrate that. Just the idea that religion should be private I’m not sure where that comes from,” he told Fox 11.
Watch the full interview below.
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Written by Jessica Airey, Media Relations Intern, and Jenna Bartlo, Media Relations Coordinator. For more information, contact Jenna at 562.777.4061 or jenna.l.bartlo@biola.edu.