ݮƵ today announced the launch of , an innovative website that offers open access to hundreds of classes, lectures, articles and other educational resources — all for free.
The easy-to-navigate site — found at — allows visitors to search, stream, download and share videos and other learning materials that engage a wide range of academic topics from a Christian perspective. As of its launch, Open Biola has 1,317 individual resources from 432 different Biola professors and guest contributors, including more than 829 hours of video and audio. More resources will be added continually throughout the year.
“Open Biola represents Biola’s commitment to make our most beneficial educational resources widely available to anyone who has access to a computer or a mobile device,” said Biola President Barry H. Corey. “As a source of thoughtful Christian perspectives on topics ranging from business and science to philosophy and theology, it is our hope that Open Biola will serve the needs of Christian and secular audiences around the world by helping to articulate and foster a biblically centered worldview.”
complements Biola’s presence on other content delivery destinations such as iTunes U and , where the university will continue to offer hundreds of free resources. (Biola is one of 42 “featured providers” on iTunes U and one of the 100 most viewed university channels on YouTube.) Open Biola includes several distinct features to enhance visitors’ experiences and simplify access to content. Specifically, visitors can:
- Browse content by topic, author, collection or academic department
- Download or stream content in the format of their choice — including HD video, standard video or audio
- Comment on and discuss content with others
- Share content via social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Google+
- Explore author profiles, which link to each author’s videos, publications and biography
- Experience an optimized site design for their device, whether desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone
With the launch of Open Biola, ݮƵ joins other universities such as MIT and Yale that have created websites to offer free educational resources and course materials to the public. Open Biola is believed to be the first such open learning website from a Christian university.
Visit Open Biola at .