coach Dee Henry has lived up to her motto: “Here to serve.” After spending over three decades on the court raising champions in both skill and character, the chose Henry as the U.S. Tennis Association’s Volunteer Coach of the Year for 2010.

The committee has awarded Henry for her dedication to providing the physically and intellectually challenged the tools necessary to learn and play tennis. In 2008, she became certified to teach wheelchair tennis, which has allowed her to start and continue running the Biola Wheelchair Tennis program. Athletes on wheelchairs roll onto the courts—some beginners, while others train to compete at upcoming tournaments.

“I love the thrill of introducing individuals to tennis,” said Henry, “but the most valuable assets to my success has been a steady stream of fabulous volunteers and God's blessing.” 

In her forty years of coaching tennis at Biola, her hard work has yielded superb athletes including a national singles champion, a national doubles team, and a national runner-up team. Henry herself became a USPTA Level 1 Tennis Professional in 1995. She currently serves on the board of directors for the and is a life member of the .

“I actually had no idea that the USOC Volunteer Coach Award existed,” said Henry, “I just teach tennis to those God brings into my path.”

It is clear that Coach Dee Henry lives not only according to her own motto but fulfills that of the United States Olympic Committee’s ideal: “Olympians don’t just happen, they are created.”

Written by Elizabeth Mak, Media Relations Intern. For more information, please contact Jenna Bartlo, Media Relations Coordinator, at jenna.l.bartlo@biola.eduor via phone at 562.777.4061.