A art exhibit of Maja Lisa Engelhardt's work from the Roberta Ahmanson collection is currently on display at Biola as part of the university's recently launched .

Engelhardt, a well-established artist from Denmark, has displayed her artwork around the world and has been featured in as well as the Wall Street Journal. 

Roberta Ahmanson — a prominent arts patron who is serving as Biola's "visionary in residence" for the 2011-12 academic year — is sharing her collection of Engelhardt’s work with Biola students, faculty and the surrounding community from Sept. 20 to Oct. 13.

The collection on exhibit at Biola’s art gallery is part of Engelhardt's "Genesis" collection, a project based around the seven days of creation in the biblical book of Genesis. consist of paintings representing the second and third days of creation. Engelhardt's newest addition to the "Genesis" collection — "The Fourth Day" — is on display at the Elizabeth Harris Gallery in New York.

“Maja is able to paint an inner vision and understanding of who God is,” said Roberta Ahmanson of painter Maja Lisa Engelhardt’s work. “She paints it for the whole world.”

Biola is excited to begin this Years of the Arts with such a prestigious collection.

This is the first exhibit of many that will be displayed in Biola’s Art Gallery as part of this year’s theme of "Sanctuary and Sacred Space." The theme explores the idea of spiritual and physical space where God's presence dwells. Read about upcoming events.

Written by Melissa Soto. For more information, please contact Jenna Bartlo, Media Relations Coordinator, at jenna.l.bartlo@biola.edu or at 562.777.4061.