The Fish radio station co-host, Reba Toney, came to ݮƵ Tuesday, April 21, 2009 to promote her new book “The Rating Game.” Toney spoke at a “fireside chat” in the university’s commuter lounge, The Collegium.
In May 2009, Toney will be celebrating her seventh year with The Fish 95.9 radio station, where she has done several different programs. Toney grew up in Dallas, TX and began her career with a radio internship. Since, she has hosted a T.V. show called “Top 3” on TBN for the last four years, starred in a reality T.V. show called “Cruise for a Cause” and has developed the website, a helpline that offers resources for victims of relationship abuse.
Toney’s most recent project is her book entitled, “The Rating Game: The Foolproof Formula for Finding Your Perfect Soul Mate,” due to release June 2009. This book explores Toney’s idea of rating yourself and other people on a scale of one to ten to determine if you and another would be a compatible match.
Toney is passionate about the idea of respect. In a dating relationship, Toney said men need to respect women’s boundaries as well as women respecting men’s boundaries that either party sets for the relationship.
On her website launched in 2007, Toney talks about new kinds of relationship abuse like excessive texting. The helpline offers assistance from trained peer advocates and is accessible online or by telephone 24 hours a day. The site is designed to offer resources for teens, parents, friends and family, peer advocates, government and law enforcement officials and the general public who are dealing with every kind of relationship abuse.
Written by Ashley Shafer, Media Relations Intern.