Nearly 1,500 people from all over southern California descended on the Chase Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 27 to see Lee Strobel, J.P. Moreland, Mike Erre, and Craig Hazen present the “Case for Christ.â€

Each family in attendance received a free copy of the Case for Christ DVD produced by Illustra Media and featuring, among others, Biola professors J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, and Gary Habermas.

The enthusiastic crowd heard first hand about evidence for the reliability of the New Testament, evidence for the Resurrection, and solutions to supposed contradictions in Scripture. They also received a preview of the new Case for Faith DVD featuring Biola professors Craig Hazen, Greg Koukl, J.P. Moreland, and others.

One hearing impaired woman sitting up front was thrilled to get a free copy of the DVD to share with her deaf friends. "I'm so glad you included subtitles," she said. "I know a lot of hearing impaired people who need to know the truth of the Gospel; that this really happened!"