L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, CEO of Union Rescue Mission Andy Bales ('78) and President Barry H. Corey.

President Barry H. Corey gave the keynote address at the 46th annual Los Angeles Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on Feb. 23, delivering a call to Christian compassion and service.

“For generations, Christians were feeding the poor, educating the illiterate, subverting racism, sheltering the homeless and caring for the marginalized,” Corey said. “This is the mark I want to see in this generation, and that’s why I am at Biola.”

The prayer breakfast included several regional leaders, including Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, representatives from the Los Angeles County Sheri ’s Department and leaders from Faithful Central Bible Church in Inglewood, Calif. The gathering was co-hosted by Biola’s Crowell School of Business and Union Rescue Mission (URM), led by Biola alumnus and CEO of URM Andy Bales (’78).

In Corey’s keynote address, he focused on the importance of kind- ness in today’s society. He shared his passion for helping others and the importance of future generations creating positive change in local communities.

“Jesus saves. These two words must be at the heart of our calling to this city,” Corey said. “We are called to be a repairer of the breach, Isaiah says, a restorer of broken walls. A redemptive voice for that which is broken. And we do this not with a bullhorn, but with a towel and basin.”

Biola’s roots in Los Angeles extend back to 1908, when it was founded to educate and equip men and women to impact society at home and abroad with the truth of the gospel. One of Biola’s founders, Lyman Stewart, also founded Union Rescue Mission in 1891. The organization strives to provide a safe place for the homeless in Los Angeles and is now one of the largest rescue missions in the United States.

“Since ݮƵ’s founding by Lyman Stewart in downtown Los Angeles in 1908, prayer for the flourishing of this city and its leaders has been central to our mission,” said Gary Lindblad, dean of the Crowell School of Business. “We are privileged to join again with L.A. civic, business and religious leaders to fellowship together, pray for our city and commit ourselves to redemptive action that benefits all Angelenos.”

The Crowell School of Business played an integral role in planning this year’s breakfast, spearheaded by Robert Harp, the school’s director of strategic initiatives. A team of students helped coordinate the event, including junior Brenna Ginter and senior Angel Ramirez Jr., who both led worship.