If you were to open our file cabinet and browse through the entire Biola Magazine archives — as we did for this, our 25th anniversary issue — you might notice a few things.
First, Biolans from the ’80s and ’90s had a, shall we say, interesting sense of style. Second, it’s amazing how much Biola has changed since the magazine debuted in 1986. Third, it’s amazing how much Biola has stayed the same.
For all of the big news and changes to come along over the past quarter-century — which you’ll find in our countdown on page 18 — it’s actually what ’t changed that is most significant: Biola’s commitment to biblically centered education. So as we use this issue to celebrate memorable moments and accomplishments, we do so acknowledging that many of these stories wouldn’t mean much if it weren’t for the stories that remain the same year in and year out: alumni serving God in their vocations, students growing in mind and character, professors responding biblically to important issues of the day.
As we look back on the past 25 years, we’ve also decided to use the magazine’s anniversary as an opportunity to make some exciting new changes for the future — as you’ve probably already noticed. Over the past several months, we’ve been hard at work on rethinking and redesigning this publication, in hopes of making it an even better experience for you. Here’s some of what you’ll find:
• A new look. It’s been about four years since our last visual makeover, and designers Jessica Kemp and Jeffrey Hiendarto have done a spectacular job, from the nameplate right through to the final page.
• A revamped “Red Report.” Sometimes less is more. Based on feedback we’ve received from you, we’re planning to use this section to give you more news in smaller, easier-to-read chunks.
• “Defend Your Faith.” In our last reader survey, many of you specifically asked for more apologetics. This new column will offer just that, with professors and graduates from our Christian apologetics program answering pressing questions facing Christianity.
• “The Last Word.” The inside back cover — formerly known as “About the Bible” — has long been devoted to an article related to Scripture, and we want to keep it that way. Each issue will showcase a highlight from Talbot School of Theology’s new “The Good Book Blog.
In addition to these changes, we also want to continue doing what we’ve always done — keeping you up to date with what’s happening at Biola, sharing stories about students and alumni, and promoting biblical thinking on important issues in Christianity and culture.
So what do you think? Let me know, with an email to biolamag@biola.edu. As always, I look forward to hearing from you.