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Mail Services

Mail Services is located at the Biola Store and exists to serve students and staff at ݮƵ. Our desire is to promptly and accurately process mail and packages for the recipient by using our new logistics software, Slingshot Logistics. When a recipient receives mail or a package, an email notification will be sent by Slingshot Logistics prompting the recipient that their items are ready to be picked up at the Biola Store. Mail and packages can be picked up during normal Biola Store hours by visiting a register, scanning and showing your Student ID or a photo ID, and a store associate will retrieve your items for you.

Purpose and Use Restrictions

Use of “Campus Mail” must be in accord with University policy and applicable law. Campus Mail will be accepted only from current and emeritus Biola employees and students, and from university departments and recognized student organizations. Campus Mail service is restricted to those mailings directly related to (a) official university business, and (b) personal communication between members of the Biola community. It is not available to outside agencies, organizations, and commercial firms for activities not directly sponsored or conducted by the university. Also, use of Mail Services for the personal and private business of university students, faculty, and staff members is subject to the discretion of the Mail Services office. This policy is designed to ensure compliance with federal regulations and university guidelines relating to the use of U.S. and Biola Mail Services.


Once “Outside Mail” comes to ݮƵ from the USPS or other delivery service, ݮƵ is acting as an agent for the recipient (not as a “contract employee” of the USPS) and, as such, inspection and delivery by ݮƵ is subject to the following provisions.

ݮƵ reserves the right to inspect the contents of any item, whether Campus Mail or Outside Mail, and to withhold delivery of any inappropriate or suspicious items. While Biola Mail Services will not routinely open mail, items will be opened by authorized Mail Services supervisory personnel when:

  • No other means can be used to determine recipient or, in the case of mail that must be returned, when the sender cannot be determined.
  • Material that is inappropriate or suspected to be inappropriate is found. Such material is subject to being opened. Mail Services personnel will withhold delivery of such material and notify the Dean of the School if mail items contain substances, materials or communication that violate the mission and policies of ݮƵ.
  • Suspicious mail items are found. Mail Services personnel will withhold delivery of such material; safety authorities may be called to investigate and these items may be opened to determine the contents.

Material is considered inappropriate or objectionable which (among other things) depicts, expresses or deals with matters of nudity, sexual activity, sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty or violence in a manner that conflicts with the stated mission, standards, and policies of ݮƵ. Final determination of inappropriateness shall rest with the Dean of Students or his/her designee.

Address Format

We want to make sure that all recipients get their mail and packages as quickly as possible. In order to do so, please use the following format for your address on campus. If this format is not followed, there might be a slight delay in getting your items to you:

First Name Last Name
Your Box Number or Mail ID (provided to students once enrollment is complete)
13800 Biola Avenue
La Mirada, CA 90639

Mail Services at the Biola Store also provides shipping services for outgoing mail and packages. We are able to send out mail and packages using USPS, UPS and DHL services for both domestic and international packages and accept cash, check, or credit cards as payment. We are also a drop off location for all packages with a prepaid label.

Services Offered

Federal Express
Incoming Federal Express packages are received and outgoing Federal Express is only for pre-paid and Departmental accounts. Both Federal Express and Express mail have to be ready to ship and brought to the Biola store before 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Processing of Student Packages
Mail Services is responsible for the processing of student packages. Packages coming to the university via UPS, on a purchase order, or ordered by credit card are the responsibility of Central Stores. Additional information regarding Mail and Parcel services can be found in the .

Package Holding Policies

Current Students
In cases where Mail Services receives packages for students that have not been picked up within three weeks of their arrival, an attempt will be made to contact the student after this period. If the student does not respond or pick up the package within a week of being contacted, then the package will automatically be returned to the sender.*

Perishable Packages
In cases where Mail Services receives a package that is perishable (i.e. food), the student will be notified immediately. ݮƵ does not have a place to store items needed to be refrigerated or frozen. The University will not be held responsible for packages unclaimed within a timely matter. If the student does not pick up the package within three days, it will automatically be returned to the sender.

Alumni and Former Students
In cases where Mail Services receives a package for an alumni or former student, an attempt will be made to contact the owner of the package. We will contact the student via email or phone call, if provided. If there is no response from the owner within a week and the package is able to be forwarded, then the package will be sent to the most updated address on file. If the package is not able to be forwarded, then the package will automatically be returned to the sender.

Unknown Recipients
When Mail Services receives a package where the recipient is not known, then Biola will hold the package for one month. After a month, if the package is unclaimed and the recipient is still unknown, then the package will be returned to the sender.

Shipping Options
When contacting the owner of the package, the owner of the package will be given several options for sending their unforwarded package.

  • The owner may pick up the package, or have someone else pick it up on their behalf.
  • The owner of the package may request to return the package to the sender.
  • The owner may use USPS click and ship for package shipping.

Changing My Mailing Address

Address changes can be made by going to >Welcome tab >Personal Information channel.

If you are continuing as a student but are moving residences:

  1. Fill in your new address in the "Addresses" box. Click "Update address" box.
  2. Follow the instructions for changing your address and phone numbers.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Your permanent address will be used for all Biola mail.
  5. USPS address changes can be handled at your local US Post Office.

If you are graduating or withdrawing:

  1. Be sure your correct new address is in the "Permanent" address box. Your "local" address will automatically deactivate when your student status is deactivated.
  2. USPS address changes can be handled at your local US Post Office.

Contact Information


(562) 903-4883