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Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies Now Offered in New York

June 6, 2011

Talbot is now offering a 30-credit Certificate at the Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies. Talbot has partnered with Chosen People Ministries to provide this educational opportunity. You may now choose the courses that will help you get the most from the core curriculum of our accredited Master of Divinity in Messianic Jewish Studies.

The Certificate is a balanced offering of courses in Bible Exposition, Biblical Languages, Historical and Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, Apologetics, and Jewish Studies. The M.Div. is approximately 100 credits, and the 30 credits in the Certificate may be applied toward the M.Div. should you decide to continue studying in New York.

These courses, regardless of the specific area, are taught from a Jewish frame of reference, so they are especially helpful for those who are seeking to improve their knowledge and skill in a ministry to Jewish friends and family. This Certificate is ideal for anyone working in Messianic congregations, traditional mission organizations, or personal evangelism. All of the professors are highly credentialed and committed to Jewish ministry.

Contact Racheal Ndei at the Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies at 888-293-7482 for an application and more information.