Faculty Publications
Talbot faculty have written and contributed to books on a broad range of topics, from biblical commentaries to books on the local church.
Clinton E. Arnold
Published: October 1, 1996
Thomas J. Finley
Published: September 9, 1996
Lois McKinney (editor), Muriel I. Elmer (editor), Duane Elmer, Klaus Issler (contributing author)
Published: September 1, 1996
Scott B. Rae
Published: September 1, 1996
John Hick, Clark H. Pinnock, Alister E. McGrath, R. Douglas Geivett, W. Gary Phillips, Dennis L. Okholm, Timothy R. Phillips (contributing authors)
Published: August 19, 1996
Michael J. Wilkins (editor), J.P. Moreland (editor), Douglas Geivett (contributing author)
Published: July 17, 1996
Francis J. Beckwith, J.P. Moreland (contributing author)
Published: June 1, 1996
Michael Bauman, Martin I. Klauber, Matthew Williams (contributing author)
Published: December 1, 1995
Roy B. Zuck (editor), John Hutchison (contributing author)
Published: November 16, 1995
Michael J. Wilkins
Published: November 1, 1995
David K Clark, Robert V. Rakestraw, J.P. Moreland (contributing author)
Published: October 1, 1995
R. Douglas Geivett
Published: September 8, 1995
Alan W. Gomes
Published: May 11, 1995
Gary L. McIntosh
Published: February 1, 1995
Gary L. McIntosh, Glen S. Martin
Published: May 1, 1994
Klaus Issler, Ronald Habermas
Published: April 1, 1994
J.P. Moreland
Published: March 1, 1994
Gary L. McIntosh, Glen Martin
Published: February 1, 1994
Scott B. Rae
Published: December 30, 1993
Ken C. Johnson, John H. Coe
Published: August 1, 1993
J. P. Moreland, David M. Ciocchi, Klaus Issler (contributing author)
Published: April 1, 1993
J.P. Moreland, Kai Nielsen
Published: April 1, 1993
R. Douglas Geivett, Brendan Sweetman
Published: February 4, 1993
Michael J. Wilkins
Published: January 1, 1993