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Campus Facilities Use

Residence Hall Open Hours

Residence Hall Open House hours help students value, develop, and maintain healthy friendships with the same sex as well as to develop healthy, Christ-honoring relationships in sexual purity with students of the opposite sex.

Students of the opposite sex may only be on floors and in room/apartments during designated Open House hours:

  • 2–11 p.m.: Thursday–Sunday

      Apartments Open Hours

      • 12–11 p.m.: Sundays through Thursdays
      • 12 p.m.–1 a.m.: Fridays and Saturdays

      Additional Open Hours Policies

      • Open House hours will begin on the first day of classes or later, as publicized by Residence Life.
      • Open House hours are suspended except in Thompson Hall and the apartments during Thanksgiving Break, Spring Break and finals week of both semesters.
      • All doors will remain wide open while guests are present.
      • Any behavior that is considered compromising, sexually inappropriate, or causes others in the community to be uncomfortable is prohibited.
      • Any violation of Open House hours or standards is subject to disciplinary actions, including fines and loss of privileges.
      • All residents who are present at the time of the violation will be held responsible for the violation, regardless of whose guest was involved.


      Roofs & Ledges

      • Roofs and ledges of university buildings may not be used for any purpose.
      • Throwing or dropping items, including water balloons, from windows, roofs, balconies, decks or doorways is a safety hazard and will result in disciplinary action.


      La Mirada Creek

      The La Mirada Creek catch basin on campus will flood during heavy rain. Due to the risk of injury or disease, all rafting, swimming, wading, or floating in the creek are prohibited and can result in a citation from Campus Safety or county officials.
