Use and Care of Facilities
Appropriate Use of Residential Facilities
- Only students officially assigned by the Housing & Residence Life Office to a room or apartment may reside in that room or apartment.
- University housing may only be used for residential purposes. Selling goods or services or conducting a business, even without exchange of payment, is prohibited in rooms or apartments.
- Requests for permission to film in university housing must be submitted at least two weeks in advance to the Associate Director of Auxiliary Services Operations. No furnishings or other university property may be removed from housing for use in film projects.
- No tattooing or piercing is to be performed on any campus property.
Cleaning & Maintenance
- Cleaning and maintenance requests (including air conditioning, light bulbs, heating, door locks, windows, plumbing and electrical) should be submitted to .
- The university provides regular custodial service for common areas and maintenance services as needed in residence halls and apartments.
- Suite-style bathrooms: Residents are responsible for restroom cleanliness. Any cleaning that must be done by university personnel to prepare a suite bathroom for new resident(s) may be billable to the occupants of the suite.
- Apartment residents are responsible for cleaning restrooms, bedrooms, kitchens and common areas within their apartments.
- The university will conduct regular inspections of student rooms, apartments and restrooms for cleanliness and compliance with safety standards, furnishing policies and state health guidelines.
- Cleaning and maintenance personnel may be present in residence halls and apartments daily between 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Residents are advised to use discretion in their dress when walking through hallways and common areas.
- Residents must make their assigned rooms or apartments available to university staff between 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. for the purpose of entering to make necessary repairs, alterations or improvements, to supply necessary services, or to show the premises to prospective residents, workmen, or contractors. In an emergency, the university’s staff may enter the premises at any time for the purpose of making repairs.
- Students are expected to maintain the assigned premises in good condition. Upon termination of the housing contract, students shall surrender the premises in the same condition as when received, ordinary wear and tear and acts of nature excepted.
- Each student must complete and submit a Room Condition Report form to the Housing Office within 48 hours of check in. Students must record all pre-existing damage or missing items on this form. Any damage or missing items found during the year which are not recorded on the Room Condition Report form will be considered as having occurred after check in, and the room/apartment residents will be held financially responsible for the repair or replacement of the damaged or missing item(s).
- Students should report damage immediately to decrease repair cost and lessen the impact of the damage.
- If the individual responsible for damage, loss or defacement cannot be determined, Auxiliary Services and Housing & Residence Life will determine the appropriate course of action. In some cases, the relevant costs may be equally assessed to the residents of the room, apartment, suite, hall, floor or building and may result in disciplinary action appropriate to the situation.
- Individuals or groups of students who fail to take responsibility for damage may be removed from their community and/or blocked from reserving housing in that community for future terms.
- Fines or damage repair charges will be charged to the student’s university student account.
- Any activity, including art projects for personal benefit or for a university class, which involves painting or dyeing may not be performed inside any residence halls or apartments or on any university wall, sidewalk, balcony, patio, deck or other building surface, or on any university outdoor or indoor furniture.
- Residents may not decorate their room in a manner that would significantly alter the structure of their room; prevent access to outlets, pre-installed devices (e.g., thermostats & fire sprinklers), or the like; cause significant hazards (e.g., fire, earthquake, flooding, etc.); or block exits to the room (e.g., windows or doorways). Any alleged violations of this policy will be reviewed by a committee composed of staff from Housing & Residence Life, Facilities, and Auxiliary Services. The committee will make a decision on the matter, and the decision shall be final.
Trash & Recycling
- Trash must be discarded in dumpsters outside the buildings, not in community areas or in trash cans in the hallways, lounges or restrooms. Trash or e-waste may not be left outside your door or in any common area. A minimum fine of $25 will be assessed for any trash left in a hallway or common area.
- All recyclable trash, including paper, aluminum, plastic and glass must be deposited in the university-provided recycling receptacles in each building.
- No personal or group recycling is permitted.
- E-Waste trash that can be plugged in or has batteries (including computers, monitors, hair dryers, etc.) must be disposed of in designated E-Waste containers or drop-off stations.
- No damaged or malfunctioning fluorescent light bulbs may be discarded in trash or E-Waste bins, as they contain toxic chemicals. Report these to Facilities Management for disposal.
Window Screens
- Window screens must be kept in place at all times.
- Room or apartment residents will be charged $50 for each damaged or missing screen.
- Entering a room, apartment, or building through a window screen will result in a $25 fine and possible disciplinary action.
- The university provides weekly pest control services through a third-party company. Please report any pest problems in your room, apartment or hall to Residential Facilities.
- Residence Life staff can provide pest spray for emergencies
- Residents may not use “bug bombs” in any room because the fog will activate smoke alarms. Residents who use bug bombs will be held liable for tampering with fire equipment.\
- In order to prevent bed bug infestations, residents are required to closely inspect all personal furniture before bringing it to campus. Any suspected infestation should be reported immediately to Residential Facilities. Information to assist residents in finding and identifying bed bugs is available online at . In the event that bed bugs are found in a residence hall or apartment, all affected residents must comply with treatment and prevention instructions issued by Residential Facilities to stop the spread of the infestation.
- Students who bring infested items into university housing and/or students who fail to comply with treatment procedures and who thereby aid the spread of an infestation may be held financially liable for treatment costs including, but not limited to, replacement mattresses and furnishings.