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Rosemead School of Psychology's 50th Anniversary Celebration

Come Back Together

Cost and Admission

This is a paid event.

$30.0050th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
$30/person, $20/current Rosemead faculty & staff, $15/current Rosemead students. Childcare will be provided for children 10 & younger (online registration required).
$10.0050th Anniversary Celebration Lunch
Adults - $10/person. Children 10 and younger are complimentary.
$50.00Continuing Education Session with Doreen Dodgen-Magee, Psy.D.
4 credits, APA-approved. CEU & Symposium - $50/person, $25/current Rosemead faculty & staff, $10/current Rosemead students. Childcare provided for children 10 & younger (online registration required).

Rosemead School of Psychology's 50th Anniversary Celebration

Come Back Together

We’re delighted to welcome the Rosemead community back to campus for a time of celebration, connection and education!


Contact Everlyn Rhee at:
(562) 903-4867

Friday, February 15

Events marked with an asterisk (*) require online registration.

Time Event Location
3–5 p.m. Check-In
Come connect with the Rosemead staff to pick up your name badge and the event schedule.
Rose Hall Patio
3–5 p.m. Rose Hall Open House
Rosemead may have changed since the last time you were on campus! Meet current faculty and see how the school is running strong in its 50th year!
Rose Hall
5–6:30 p.m. Biola Counseling Center Tour
The BCC continues to help Biola's community and beyond while also training men and women. Join us for a tour of the facilities to see how things have changed over the past 5 decades.
Biola Counseling Center
7–9 p.m. *50th Anniversary Dinner
Celebrate and commemorate the amazing 50-year legacy of the Rosemead School of Psychology
  • Adult: $30 per person
  • Current Rosemead Faculty/Staff: $20 per person
  • Current Rosemead Student: $15 per person
  • Childcare is provided for children 10 and younger — online registration required
    • Childcare drop-off at Andrews Banquet Room, kids taken to the Cafe Banquet Room
Andrews Banquet Room

Saturday, February 16

Events marked with an asterisk (*) require online registration.

Time Event Location
9–9:45 a.m. Continental Breakfast Business 109 Lobby
9:45–11:45 a.m. *Continuing Education Session with Doreen Dodgen-Magee, Psy.D
  • CEU and Symposium: $50 per person, $10 for current Rosemead students, $25 for current Rosemead Faculty and Staff
  • Childcare is provided for children 10 and younger, online registration required
    • Childcare drop-off at Business 109, kids taken to the Café Banquet Room
  • Registrants can earn 4 APA-approved CEUs if they attend both 50th Anniversary Saturday sessions.
Business 109
12–1:30 p.m. *50th Anniversary Celebration Lunch
Join us for a family-friendly SoCal indoor picnic to celebrate 50 years of Rosemead!
  • Adult: $10 per person
  • Children 10 and under are complimentary
Andrews Banquet Room
1:45–3:45 p.m. *Psychology Symposium with Earl Bland, Psy.D., Roy Barsness, Ph.D. and Brad Strawn, Ph.D.
  • CEU and Symposium: $50 per person, $10 for current Rosemead students, $25 for current Rosemead Faculty and Staff
  • Childcare is provided for children 10 and younger, online registration required
    • Childcare drop-off at Business 109, kids taken to the Café Banquet Room
  • Registrants can earn 4 APA-approved CEUs if they attend both 50th Anniversary Saturday sessions.
Business 109
4–5:30 p.m. Cohort Gatherings
Interested in getting together with your cohort? Contact Everlyn in the Rosemead Office at everlyn.rhee@biola.edu to see what your classmates are planning!
Business 103, 102, 207, 220
Doreen Dodgen-Magee

Continuing Education Unit with Doreen Dodgen-Magee, Psy.D.

Research shows that Americans over the age of 14 are spending over 10 hours a day with devices, which leads to neurological, interpersonal and intra personal shifts in all users. Come learn where clients are spending a bulk of their time, how technology is shaping them, and how to assess use and impacts with an eye toward health and moderation (as opposed to abstinence). Far from tech averse, this talk will be dynamic and filled with ideas and tools for how to help clients engage technology well.

Earl Bland

Roy Barsness

Brad Strawn

Symposium with Earl Bland, Psy.D., Roy Barsness, Ph.D. and Brad Strawn, Ph.D. — Being Christian and Psychoanalytic: A New Model for Constructive Dialogue

Contemporary questions related to clinical integration are less concerned with legitimizing Christian voices or creating theoretical models but identifying the complex ways the practice of psychotherapy engages the faith of both clinician and patient. From the perspective of psychoanalytic psychotherapy this seminar proposes a new model of constructive dialogue that dives deeply into the clinical encounter to pinpoint how we can work in the persistent yet furtive entanglements of therapeutic process and distinctive spiritual and faith experience.
Hotel Room

Are you in need of lodging for the weekend? Check out our partner hotels for special Biola discounts.