Events and Activities
Like all things in life, events and activities have both their positives and negatives. On the positive side, they can provide fun and entertainment, learning opportunities and a venue for building community. On the negative side, people can sustain injuries and property can be damaged or destroyed. Unfortunately, in today’s culture people are quick to demand compensation, regardless of the legitimacy of the claim. This means that all Biola constituents — staff, faculty and students as well as all divisions, departments and programs must manage their risk for everyone’s benefit. The Office of Risk Management offers assistance to this end.
Well-managed risk results in fewer incidents and incidents that are smaller in scale. This translates into dollars that can be used to benefit the university in other areas.
Event and Activity Risks
When planning events and activities, employees should concern themselves with the following categories of risk. Please note that this includes employees who oversee student events and activities and/or the students involved, regardless of whether or not the students are also employees.
- Event / Activity Risk Type — Employees should review the event or activity they are holding and note any major risks that may result. A single activity or event may involve several layers of risk. Events and activities that are especially risky include those that involve:
- Flames, explosion or potential for fire
- Travel
- Athletic exertion
- Contractual Risk — Employees and students may knowingly or unknowingly deal with contractual risk when working with third parties. Third parties may come in the form of contractors, service providers, artists, performers and agencies who rent equipment. Biola constituents should contact the Contract Management Team by emailing the Director of Purchasing when dealing with a non-Biola party who wants payment for a product or service. Biola constituents may receive an invoice, estimate or full contract in these instances, but even if they do not, Biola may want a contract in place. The Contract Management Team will assist with assessing these situations. Please note that only a handful of Biola employees have authorization to sign any type of legal document on behalf of Biola. Do not sign anything with Biola's name on it and refer documents requiring a signature to the Contract Management Team.
Event and Activity Registration
Biola requires its constituents to register all activities, both on and off campus. This ensures the university is aware of its activities and can assess and address risks associated with them.
On Campus
Biola constituents will register their activities when making requests for space usage through Campus Coordination. Risk Management will follow up on any activities that may requires further risk assessment. Please contact the Contract Management Team via purchasing when using third parties for any kind of service. Biola requires insurance from third parties. Please refer to the section on insurance requirements.
Off Campus
Biola constituents may register off campus student activity through the . This includes one day events, overnight local travel, domestic travel and international travel. Biola employees organizing non-student events should register their events with Risk Management by sending an email to
Special Events
Special events on campus can provide unique and memorable experiences. In order to ensure that your special event goes through the proper channels, please request space through Campus Coordination and email Risk Management outlining the details of your activities.
Special events organized by a Biola department usually will not require special insurance. However, third parties using space on campus will need to meet Biola's insurance requirements and go through Conference Services.