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Summer Courses

To view more details on the courses offered, visit the  page. Select the term and search for the course using the search form.  

Applied Psychology

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
APSY 208 - Online Bachelor's Program: Statistics for ResearchMay 6–June 22Online
APSY 320 - Online Bachelor's Program: Experimental PsychologyJuly 1–August 17Online
APSY 365 - Online Bachelor's Program: Cognitive PsychologyMay 6–June 22Online
APSY 417 - Online Bachelor's Program: Counseling TechniquesJuly 1–August 17Online
APSY 425 - Online Bachelor's Program: Psychology of Marriage and Family LifeMay 6–June 22Online
APSY 465 - Online Bachelor's Program: Positive PsychologyMay 6–June 22Online
APSY 490 - Online Bachelor's Program: Applied Psychology CapstoneJuly 1–August 17Online


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
ARTS 100 - Art AppreciationMay 6–August 17On CampusCore Credit - Fine Arts
May 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Fine Arts
July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Fine Arts
ARTS 405 - Seminar in Art HistoryMay 6–August 17On Campus
ARTS 428 - Web Design IJuly 1–August 17Online
ARTS 450 - InternshipMay 6–August 17Online
July 1–August 17Online
ARTS 451 - Interdisciplinary Art History SeminarMay 6–August 17On Campus

Biblical & Theological Studies

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
BBST 103 - Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual FormationMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 103 - Online Bachelor's Program: Biblical Interpretation & Spiritual FormationMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 165 - Online Bachelor's Program: Foundations of Christian ThoughtJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 209 - Old Testament History and LiteratureJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 209 - Online Bachelor's Program: Old Testament History & LiteratureMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 210 - New Testament History & LiteratureMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 210 - New Testament History and LiteratureMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 210 - Online Bachelor's Program: New Testament History & LiteratureMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 251 - Theology IMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 260 - Online Bachelor's Program: Christian TheologyMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 316 - Gospel of JohnMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 316 - Online Bachelor's Program: Gospel of JohnJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 320 - Methods of Bible StudyMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 330 - Jesus' Life and MinistryMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 330 - Online Bachelor's Program: Jesus' Life & MinistryMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 354 - Online Bachelor's Program: Theology IIJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 354 - Theology IIMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 365 - Gospel, Kingdom, and CultureMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 365 - Online Bachelor's Program: Gospel, Kingdom, and CultureJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 430 - Adv St: Evidence for the ResurrectionJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 430 - Advanced Study: New TestamentMay 6–June 22On CampusCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 457 - Online Bachelor's Program: Evidence for the ResurrectionJuly 1–August 17Online
BBST 465 - IS: Pilgrim's Progress: A Spiritual Classic for a Selfie WorldMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 465 - Integration SeminarJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 465 - Online Bachelor's Program: IS: Christian MinistryJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies
BBST 480 - Directed ResearchMay 6–August 17On CampusCore Credit - Biblical & Theological Studies

Biological Science

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
BIOS 100 - Biological PrinciplesMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Science
BIOS 120 - Current Topics in BiologyJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Science
BIOS 121 - NutritionMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Science
BIOS 282 - MicrobiologyMay 6–June 22On Campus
BIOS 302 - Vertebrate BiologyMay 6–August 17On Campus
BIOS 303 - Ecological AgricultureMay 6–August 17On Campus
BIOS 305 - Global Development and Ecological SustainabilityMay 6–August 17On Campus
BIOS 351 - Invertebrate BiologyMay 6–August 17On Campus
BIOS 371 - Conservation BiologyMay 6–August 17On Campus
BIOS 390 - Au Sable Institute of Environmental StudiesMay 6–August 17On Campus
BIOS 430 - Topics in Natural Resource ManagementMay 6–August 17On Campus
BIOS 490 - Directed ResearchMay 6–August 17On Campus

Business Administration

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
BUSN 205 - Online Bachelor's Program: Economic PrinciplesMay 6–June 22Online
BUSN 211 - Principles of Accounting IMay 6–June 22Online
BUSN 212 - Principles of Accounting IIJuly 1–August 17Online
BUSN 220 - Management Information SystemsMay 6–June 22Online
BUSN 230 - Introduction to MarketingJuly 1–August 17Online
BUSN 323 - Business AnalyticsJuly 1–August 17Online
BUSN 347 - Global Business EnvironmentMay 6–June 22Online
BUSN 361 - Online Bachelor's Program: Business LawJuly 1–August 17Online
BUSN 370 - Business FinanceMay 6–June 22Online
BUSN 450 - Directed StudiesJuly 1–August 17Online
BUSN 460 - Business InternshipMay 6–August 17Online
BUSN 462 - InvestmentsMay 6–June 22Online
BUSN 477 - Capstone for Financial PlanningJuly 1–August 17Online
BUSN 478 - Online Bachelor's Program: Capstone: Business ManagementJuly 1–August 17Online

Christian Ministries

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
CEED 445 - Ministry Field WorkMay 6–August 17Online
CEED 445 - Online Bachelor's Program: Ministry Field WorkMay 6–August 17Online


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
CHEM 105 - General Chemistry IMay 6–June 22On CampusCore Credit - Science
CHEM 106 - General Chemistry IIJuly 1–August 17On Campus
CHEM 107 - Introduction to ChemistryJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Science

Cinema and Media Arts

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
CNMA 440 - Cinema and Media Arts InternshipMay 6–August 17On Campus
July 1–August 17On Campus

Communication Disorders

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
CODS 460 - SLPA Clinical InternshipMay 6–August 17On Campus

Communication Studies

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
COMM 170 - Small Group CommunicationJuly 1–August 17Online
COMM 200 - The Rhetorical ActMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Communication
July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Communication
COMM 235 - Interpersonal CommunicationMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Communication
COMM 235 - Online Bachelor's Program: Interpersonal CommunicationMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Communication
COMM 254 - Online Bachelor's Program: Communication TheoriesMay 6–June 22Online
COMM 432 - Online Bachelor's Program: Rhetorical TheoriesMay 6–June 22Online
COMM 440 - Communication InternshipMay 6–August 17Online
July 1–August 17Online
COMM 473 - Communication and DiversityJuly 1–August 17Online


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
ENGL 230 - Topics in Diverse LiteraturesMay 6–August 17On CampusCore Credit - Literature
ENGL 313 - Online Bachelor's Program: Writing in the DisciplinesMay 6–August 17OnlineCore Credit - English
ENGL 313 - Writing in the DisciplinesMay 6–August 17On CampusCore Credit - English
May 6–August 17OnlineCore Credit - English
ENGL 460 - Studies in GenreMay 6–August 17On Campus


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
HIST 100 - World Civilizations IMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - History
HIST 101 - World Civilizations IIMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - History
HIST 200 - United States History To 1865May 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - History
HIST 201 - United States History Since 1865July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - History

Torrey Honors Institute

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
HNRS 465 - Torrey Off-CampusMay 6–August 17On Campus
HNRS 490 - Selected Readings and TopicsJuly 1–August 17On Campus

Intercultural Studies

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
INCS 433 - Community Development Models and StrategiesMay 6–August 17On Campus
INCS 480 - Directed ResearchMay 6–August 17On Campus


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
ISTE 530 - Ethics, Values, and Intercultural Communication for TESOL ProfessionalsMay 6–June 22Online
ISTE 531 - English Language Teaching Methods — ChallengeMay 6–June 22Online
ISTE 582 - Topics in TESOLMay 6–June 22Online
ISTE 694 - Practicum in TESOL — ChallengeMay 6–June 22Online

Media, Journalism and Public Relations

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
JOUR 344 - Media InternshipMay 6–August 17Online
JOUR 444 - Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in MediaMay 6–August 17Online

Kinesiology and Health Science

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
KNES 107 - Lifetime WellnessMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Kinesiology & Health Science
KNES 110 - Lifetime Wellness ActivityMay 6–June 22On CampusCore Credit - Kinesiology & Health Science
KNES 475 - Public Health Capstone PracticumMay 6–June 22Online


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
LEDU 335 - Child Development: Birth through AdolescenceMay 6–August 17Online
LEDU 360 - Early Childhood PracticumMay 6–August 17Online
LEDU 380 - Children's LiteratureMay 6–June 22Online
LEDU 390 - Latina/o Diversity in a U.S. ContextMay 6–June 22Online
LEDU 391 - Socio-historical Context for Bilingual Education – SpanishJuly 1–August 17Online


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
MATH 190 - Business StatisticsMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Mathematics
MATH 210 - Introduction to Probability and StatisticsMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Mathematics


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
MUSC 098 - Introduction to Music TheoryMay 6–June 22Online
MUSC 101 - Music AppreciationMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Fine Arts
MUSC 163 - Musicianship IIMay 6–June 22Online
MUSC 164 - Theory IIMay 6–June 22Online
MUSC 314 - History of Film MusicMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Fine Arts
MUSC 461 - Internship in Music TherapyMay 6–August 17On Campus

Physical Science

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
PHSC 111 - Physics IMay 6–June 22On CampusCore Credit - Science
PHSC 112 - Physics IIJuly 1–August 17On Campus
PHSC 117 - Physics I LaboratoryMay 6–June 22On CampusCore Credit - Science
PHSC 118 - Physics II LaboratoryJuly 1–August 17On Campus

Political Science

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
POSC 225 - Online Bachelor's Program: Survey of American GovernmentMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - History

Public Relations

TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
PREL 344 - Public Relations Internship & Applied ExperienceMay 6–August 17Online
PREL 420 - Advanced Digital ManagementMay 6–June 22Online
PREL 444 - Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Public RelationsMay 6–August 17Online
PREL 460 - Public Relations Leadership and Advanced Campaign AnalysisMay 6–June 22Online


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
PSYC 200 - Online Bachelor's Program: Introduction to PsychologyJuly 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Behavioral Science
PSYC 309 - Introduction to PsychopathologyJuly 1–August 17Online
PSYC 320 - Developmental Psychology: LifespanJuly 1–August 17Online
PSYC 365 - Cognitive PsychologyMay 6–June 22Online
PSYC 412 - Physiological PsychologyMay 6–June 22Online
PSYC 450 - Directed Field Work in PsychologyMay 6–August 17On Campus
PSYC 470 - Current Topics in PsychologyMay 6–August 17Online


TitleDatesFormatCore Credit
SPAN 100 - Spanish Language and Culture IMay 6–June 22OnlineCore Credit - Foreign Language
May 6–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Foreign Language
SPAN 200 - Spanish Language and Culture IIMay 6–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Foreign Language
July 1–August 17OnlineCore Credit - Foreign Language

Talbot School of Theology

CSAP 510 - Apologetics Research and WritingMay 6–June 22Online
CSAP 521 - Old Testament SurveyMay 6–June 22Online
July 1–August 17Online
CSAP 522 - New Testament SurveyJuly 1–August 17Online
CSAP 527 - HermeneuticsMay 6–June 22Online
July 1–August 17Online
CSAP 550 - Historical TheologyMay 6–June 22Online
CSAP 612 - Beginning Greek IIMay 6–August 17Online
CSAP 680 - Special Topics in Christian ApologeticsMay 6–August 17Hybrid
May 6–August 17Online
CSSR 510 - Research MethodologiesMay 6–June 22Online
CSSR 514 - History of Christian ThoughtMay 6–June 22Online
CSSR 517 - Interpretative Issues and MethodsMay 6–June 22Online
July 1–August 17Online
CSSR 519 - Old Testament/Hebrew LiteratureMay 6–June 22Online
July 1–August 17Online
CSSR 520 - New Testament LiteratureJuly 1–August 17Online
CSSR 650 - Seminar: Special TopicsMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TETH 522 - Theology II: Christ, Humanity, Sin, Salvation - SpanishMay 6–June 22Online
TTBE 517 - Hermeneutics and Bible Study MethodsMay 6–June 22Online
July 1–August 17Online
TTBE 519 - Old Testament SurveyMay 6–June 22Online
May 6–August 17Online
July 1–August 17Online
TTBE 520 - New Testament SurveyJuly 1–August 17Online
TTBE 722 - Directed ResearchMay 6–June 22On Campus
TTBE 732 - Exposition of New Testament Segments or ThemesJuly 1–August 17Online
TTFT 791 - Practicum in Marriage and Family Therapy IMay 6–June 22On Campus
TTHT 514 - Historical Theology SurveyMay 6–June 22Online
TTMN 825 - Discipleship and Community Relationships IMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 841 - Engaging Worldviews and Culture IMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 847 - Turnaround StrategiesMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 851 - Discipleship IMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 853 - Foundations of Biblical PreachingMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 857 - Expository PreachingMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 880 - Year Four Doctoral Project IMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 881 - Year Four Doctoral Project IIMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 882 - Year Five Doctoral Project IMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 883 - Year Five Doctoral Project IIMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 884 - Year Six Doctoral Project IMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 885 - Year Six Doctoral Project IIMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 892 - Doctoral Project Proposal SubmissionMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 895 - Program ExtensionMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTMN 900 - Doctoral ResearchMay 6–August 17Online
TTMN 906 - Renewing the Mind IMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 914 - Innovative Methodologies of African American Leadership IMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 916 - Spiritual Theology and Formation for Soul Care IMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTMN 924 - Spiritual Formation in the Korean Church IMay 6–August 17Hybrid
TTNT 502 - Beginning Greek IIMay 6–August 17Online
TTNT 621 - Life of ChristMay 6–June 22Online
TTOT 604 - Elements of Hebrew IIMay 6–June 22Online
TTOT 703 - Introduction to Hebrew ExegesisMay 6–June 22Online
TTOT 745 - World of the Old TestamentMay 6–August 17Online
TTPH 602 - ApologeticsJuly 1–August 17Online
TTPT 592 - Field Apprenticeship IIMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTPT 691 - Field Apprenticeship IIIMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTPT 703 - The Church and SocietyMay 6–August 17On Campus
May 6–June 22Online
TTPT 791 - Field Apprenticeship IVMay 6–August 17On Campus
TTSF 701 - Spiritual Formation SeminarMay 6–June 27On Campus
TTTH 521 - Theology I: God, Scripture, CreationMay 6–June 22Online
TTTH 522 - Theology II: Christ, Humanity, Sin, SalvationMay 6–June 22Online
TTTH 623 - Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last ThingsMay 6–June 22Online
TTTH 630 - Theology of WorkMay 6–June 22Hybrid
May 6–June 22Online
TTTH 765 - TCS: Church Fathers on the Christian LifeMay 6–June 22Online
TTTH 771 - Theo Sem: Church Fathers on the Christian LifeMay 6–June 22Online
TTTS 711 - The Book of IsaiahMay 6–August 17On Campus

Cook School of Intercultural Studies

ISCL 801 - Method and Theory in Cross-Cultural StudiesMay 6–August 17Online
ISCL 823 - Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning StrategiesMay 6–August 17Online

Crowell School of Business

MBAD 516 - Accounting and Finance for Decision MakersMay 6–June 22Online
MBAD 550 - Business InternshipMay 6–August 17Online
MBAD 613 - Biblical Management and EthicsJuly 1–August 17Hybrid
July 1–August 17Online
MBAD 623 - Sources of InnovationMay 6–June 22Online
July 1–August 17Online
MBAD 625 - Organizational Change and LeadershipMay 6–June 22Online
MBAD 631 - InvestmentsMay 6–June 22Online
MBAD 632 - Capstone of Financial PlanningJuly 1–August 17Online
MPAC 670 - Accounting InternshipMay 6–August 17On Campus

School of Science, Technology and Health

MSLP 540 - Autism Spectrum DisordersMay 6–June 22On Campus
MSLP 541 - Neurogenic Language DisordersMay 6–August 17On Campus
MSLP 542 - Advanced Voice DisordersMay 6–August 17On Campus
MSLP 544 - Advanced Fluency DisordersJuly 1–August 17On Campus
MSLP 546 - School and Hospital Based IssuesMay 6–June 22On Campus
MSLP 603 - Clinical Practicum IIJuly 1–August 17On Campus
MSLP 604 - Adult ExternshipMay 6–June 22On Campus
PHLT 505 - Principles of EpidemiologyMay 6–June 22Online
PHLT 510 - Community and Global HealthMay 6–June 22Online
PHLT 515 - Principles of BiostatisticsJuly 1–August 17Online
PHLT 535 - Public Health Policy and PracticeJuly 1–August 17Online
PHLT 652 - Molecular EpidemiologyMay 6–June 22Online
PHLT 658 - Cancer EpidemiologyJuly 1–August 17Online

School of Fine Arts and Communication

PBRL 600 - Social Media Analytics, Strategy & ManagementJuly 1–August 17Online
PBRL 650 - CapstoneJuly 1–August 17Online

Rosemead School of Psychology

RSPY 530 - History and Systems of PsychologyMay 6–June 22On Campus
RSPY 608 - Social PsychologyMay 6–June 22On Campus
RSPY 615 - Advanced Developmental PsychologyMay 6–June 22On Campus
RSPY 688 - Practicum ConsultationMay 6–August 17On Campus
RSPY 689 - Practicum Continuous EnrollmentMay 6–August 17On Campus
RSPY 697 - Practicum ElectiveMay 6–August 17On Campus
RSTN 733 - Internship in Clinical Psychology-ContinuationMay 6–August 17On Campus

School of Education

SEED 519 - Foundations of EducationMay 6–June 22Online
SEED 520 - Elementary Reading/Language ArtsMay 6–August 17Online
SEED 525 - Secondary Content Area ReadingMay 6–August 17Online
SEED 535 - Child Development: Birth through AdolescenceMay 6–August 17Online
SEED 541 - Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse StudentsJuly 1–August 17Online
SEED 550 - Literature Study in the ClassroomMay 6–June 22Online
SEED 554 - Professional Writing and ResearchMay 6–August 17Online
SEED 556 - Early Childhood CurriculumMay 6–June 22Online
SEED 577 - School Leadership and Professional Learning CommunitiesMay 6–August 17Online
SEED 590 - Latina/o Diversity in a U.S. ContextMay 6–June 22Online
SEED 591 - Socio-historical Context for Bilingual Education – SpanishJuly 1–August 17Online
SEED 598 - Curriculum Research ProjectMay 6–August 17Online