
Center for Marriage and Relationships
Going Deeper Together: Spiritual Armor Required
Your spouse isn’t the enemy. The enemy is the enemy.
A man and a woman holding hands
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Going Deeper Together: Spiritual Armor Required - provides a unique, straightforward resource for protecting your marriage from threats of spiritual warfare. 

  • Learn how the serpent worked in the garden and how those same strategies work on couples today.
  • Learn the #1 way the enemy gains an advantage over you and how to counter it.

This five-lesson course will help you become "more than conquerors" and experience the quality marriage that God designed for you.

In this course, you will receive:

  • Video lectures from the conference speakers
  • Downloadable resources for a date night couples' exercise and a prayer project
Jon Lunde
Tim Muehlhoff
Tom Sappington
Matt Williams
Clint Arnold
Center for Marriage and Relationships

Jon Lunde’s main interests lie in the study of Jesus, both as he is presented in the gospels and in the more specialized Historical Jesus field. He also enjoys studying how the writers of the New Testament use the Old Testament. Prior to coming to the Talbot School of Theology, he taught for seven years at Trinity College in Deerfield, Illinois, and also has local church ministry experience. His passion is to present Jesus to his students in such a way that they personally respond to him as their Suffering Servant and as their King.

Tim Muehlhoff is a professor of communication at ݮƵ, where he teaches classes in family communication, interpersonal communication, gender and conflict resolution. He completed a Ph.D. in communication theory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where his dissertation focused on helping couples move past marital gridlock— difficult issues in marriage that won’t go away despite time and effort. Dr Muehlhoff has authored several books, including I Beg to Differ and Marriage Forecasting. For nearly 20 years, Dr. Muehlhoff and his wife, Noreen, have been frequent speakers at FamilyLife marriage conferences. 

Tom Sappington was involved in pastoral ministry for nine years before being called to ministry in the predominantly Muslim country of Indonesia, where he and his wife Katy Sappington, served for 15 years in Central Java. During his years in Indonesia, he taught various courses in the New Testament, Spiritual Conflict and Pastoral Ministry at six branches of the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Indonesia. In addition, he founded "Ambassadors of Renewal," a ministry that brings renewal, healing and deliverance to pastors and other church leaders in Indonesia, and trains them to use these ministries in the context of their local church. In his teaching at Biola and Talbot, he combines a strong background in biblical and theological studies and pastoral ministry with his years of cross-cultural experience. He has written four books and enjoys sharing his passion for missions with students in any part of the world. He and Katy live in La Mirada, and have been blessed with two sons and one daughter.

Matt Williams came to the Talbot School of Theology with broad teaching experience, including several years as a missionary to the Spanish Bible Institute and Theological Seminary. He was awarded professor of the year by the university, and continues to preach and teach in various churches and conferences throughout the United States and Spain. Williams was the general editor for Colección Teológica Contemporánea, a series of theological books in Spanish. He has authored articles for the Journal of Higher Criticism, Agenda Teológica and Trinity Journal. He contributed to La Epístola a los Gálatas; The Synoptic Problem: Three Views of Gospel Origins; The Synoptic Gospels; and Historians of the Christian Tradition.

Clint Arnold enjoys teaching, speaking and writing on various aspects of the New Testament. He's had a special interest in the historical and cultural setting of the letters of Paul. He is currently serving as the Vice President of the Evangelical Theological Society. Arnold is the editor of the four-volume Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary for which he wrote commentaries on “Acts," "Ephesians” and “Colossians”. He is the general editor of the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament for which he has written the volume on “Ephesians”. His other books include: How We Got the Bible (Zondervan); Ephesians: Power and Magic (Cambridge/Baker/Wipf & Stock); Powers of Darkness: Principalities and Powers in Paul's Letters (InterVarsity Press); The Colossian Syncretism (Mohr Siebeck/Baker); and 3 Crucial Questions About Spiritual Warfare (Baker). Arnold has published in Christianity Today and was a regular columnist for Discipleship Journal. His research articles have appeared in such journals as New Testament Studies, Novum Testamentum, Journal for the Study of the New Testament and the Journal of Psychology and Theology. Arnold, his wife and three boys are vitally involved in their local church.

ݮƵ's Center for Marriage and Relationships (CMR) is a trusted resource that combines the timeless, cross-cultural wisdom of Scripture with relevant and timely perspectives from scholarly research. Featuring practical resources such as an  and a , the CMR exists to build and sustain healthy relationships and marriages in the church and broader culture.


What is the nature of the “one-flesh” union and...
Living Covenantally in the Marriage Covenant
Date Night Couples Exercise
Who is Satan and why would he care about my...
Defending our Marriage against Spiritual Attack
Spiritual warfare is the opposition that...
The Role Conflict Plays in Spiritual Warfare and Marriage
Hurts and sins that are not dealt with leave...
The Power of Forgiveness
Footholds Project
It is no surprise that Satan targets marriage...
Five Ways to Defend Your Marriage (against spiritual attack)
Q & A with the Panel
Course Evaluation

Course FAQ

Each lesson is designed to take approximately 2-4 hours, depending on how deeply you engage the assignments. Since this is a self-paced course, the time it will take you to complete it will depend on the speed with which you want to progress through the course.

No. The course contains everything you need to successfully complete this course. Be sure to download the resources contained in this course, so that you have all the course materials. There are resources recommended at the end of the course that you are free to purchase if you wish to pursue further study on the course topic.

Since this course is designed as a completely self-paced experience, you will not have any interaction with the professor during the course.