(562) 903-4891 (Department of Biological Sciences)
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
M.S., California Institute of Technology
B.S., University of California at Berkeley
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Christian Scientific Society
Undeniable–How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed, Axe, Doug, (Harper Collins, 2016).
Axe DD (2017) Three good reasons for people of faith to reject Darwin’s explanation of life. In: Moreland JP, Meyer SC, Shaw C, Gauger AK, Grudem W, eds. Theistic Evolution—A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. Crossway (Wheaton). [This volume received the 2019 Christian Book Award for Bible Reference Works].
Axe DD, Ewert W (2016) Stylus experiments made easy—A free app for personal computers. BIO-Complexity 2016(1): 1-4.
Axe DD, Gauger AK (2015) Model and laboratory demonstrations that evolutionary optimization works well only if preceded by invention—Selection itself is not inventive. BIO-Complexity 2015(2): 1-13.
Reeves MA, Gauger AK, Axe DD (2014) Enzyme families–Shared evolutionary history or shared design? A study of the GABA-aminotransferase family. BIO-Complexity 2014(4): 1-16.
Axe DD, Gauger AK (2013) Explaining metabolic innovation: Neo-Darwinism versus design. In: Marks II RJ, Behe MJ, Gordon BL, Sanford JC, eds. Biologicial Information—New Perspectives. World Scientific (Singapore).
Leisola M, Pastinen O, Axe DD (2012) Lignin—Designed randomness. BIO-Complexity 2012(3): 1- 11.
Axe DD (2012) Darwin’s little engine that couldn’t. In: Science and Human Origins. Discovery Institute (Seattle).
Axe DD, Lu P, Flatau S (2011) A Stylus-generated artificial genome with analogy to minimal bacterial genomes. BIO-Complexity 2011(3): 1-15.
Gauger AK, Axe DD (2011) The evolutionary accessibility of new enzyme functions: A case study from the biotin pathway. BIO-Complexity 2011(1): 1-17.
Hong Kong Baptist University. Presented on “Hong Kong Summer Lecture Series on Design” (elected to deliver by Skype because of family move). June 2019
Harvard College Faith and Action, Cambridge. Presented on “Undeniable—How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed.” March 2019
Cross and Crown Church, Seattle. Presented the Opening Lecture of Reasonable Doubt Lecture Series: “How Biology Confirms That Life Is Designed.” October 2018
Pensacola Theological Institute, Pensacola. Presented both “Plenary Lecture: The Undeniability of God’s Design” and “Plenary Lecture: Why Science Needs Faith.” July 2018
Colorado State University, Fort Collins Presented on “Undeniable.” October 2017
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs Presented on “Undeniable.”
SES National Conference on Christian Apologetics, Charlotte. Presented on “Undeniable.” October 2017
Sandhills Apologetics Society, Pinehurst. Presented Plenary Lecture: “Undeniable.” October 2017
Mackenzie University, São Paulo. Presented on “Undeniable.” May 2017
Beyond Materialism Conference, Cambridge, UK. Presented Plenary Lecture: “Quantifying the Difficulty of Protein to Protein Evolution.” November 2016.
Design of Life
Directed Research: Microfluidic Study of Genome Stability