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Courses | Master of Arts in Classical Theology

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. For more program details, including graduation requirements and learning outcomes, .

Program Structure

The academic program leading to the degree Master of Arts - Classical Theology includes 36 credits structured to include:

  1. Courses introducing the integrative methods and goals of the program and the disciplines of self-knowledge and personal formation
  2. Courses in Christian doctrines (Common Places)
  3. Courses in major theologians (Master Practitioners)
  4. Courses in books of the Bible (Sacred Page)
  5. Thesis

Talbot Course Equivalencies (for Master of Arts - Classical Theology students pursuing other Talbot degrees)

Institution Courses

TTCT 501 Catechetical Institution is equivalent to  Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation. 

TTCT 503 Aretaic Institution is equivalent to  Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation.

Common Places

TTCT 601-620 (see below for course titles): any three courses/9 credits in Common Places meets , , and .

Master Practitioners

TTCT 621-640 (see below for course titles): any two courses/6 credits in Master Practitioners will meet two of the following courses: , or .

Sacred Page

TTCT 641-660 (see below for course titles): any three courses/9 credits in Sacred Page will meet 9 credits of electives.

Biblical Reasoning

TTCT 701 Biblical Reasoning: Thesis First Draft/3 credits 

TTCT 702  Biblical Reasoning: Thesis Final Draft/2 credits 

TTCT 701 and TTCT 702 together meet .

Advanced Standing

Due to the integrative nature of the Master of Arts, Classical Theology, transfer credit and advanced standing are usually not granted.

Curriculum Requirements

Each course must be completed with a C- or above.

Institution Courses
Catechetical Institution4
Aretaic Institution3
Common Places
Choose 3 from the following:9
Common Places: Scripture
Common Places: The Triune God
Common Places: Christology
Common Places: Atonement
Common Places: Anthropology
Common Places: Pneumatology
Seminar 1
Master Practitioners
Choose 2 from the following:6
Master Practitioners: Irenaeus and Athanasius
Master Practitioners: Augustine
Master Practitioners: Anselm
Master Practitioners: Thomas Aquinas
Master Practitioners: Martin Luther
Master Practitioners: John Calvin
Master Practitioners: Jonathan Edwards
Master Practitioners: Karl Barth
Seminar 1
Sacred Page
Choose 3 from the following:9
Sacred Page: Genesis
Sacred Page: Exodus
Sacred Page: Deuteronomy
Sacred Page: Psalms
Sacred Page: Isaiah
Sacred Page: Matthew
Sacred Page: John
Sacred Page: Romans
Sacred Page: Ephesians
Sacred Page: Hebrews
Seminar 1
Biblical Reasoning
Biblical Reasoning: Thesis First Draft3
Biblical Reasoning: Thesis Final Draft2
Total Credits36

 May be taken multiple times with different content.

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