Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology

J.P. Moreland
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Crossway, September 2018

Rigid adherence to scientism — as opposed to a healthy respect for science — is all too prevalent in our world today. Rather than leading to a deeper understanding of our universe, this worldview actually under- mines real science and marginalizes morality and religion. In this book, celebrated philosopher J.P. Moreland exposes the self-defeating nature of scientism and equips us to recognize scientism’s harmful presence in different aspects of culture, emboldening our witness to biblical Christianity and arming us with strategies for the integration of faith and science — the only feasible path to genuine knowledge.

Fighting for the King and the Gods: A Survey of Warfare in the Ancient Near East (Resources for Biblical Study 88)

Charlie Trimm
Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies
SBL Press, October 2017

Fighting for the King and the Gods provides an introduction to the topic of war and the variety of texts concerning many aspects of warfare in the Ancient Near East. These texts illustrate various viewpoints of war and show how warfare was an integral part of life. Trimm examines not only the victors and the famous battles, but also the hardship that war brought to many. While several of these texts treated here are well known (i.e., Ramses II's battle against the Hittites at Qadesh), others are known only to specialists. This work will allow a broader audience to access and appreciate these important texts as they relate to the history and ideology of warfare.

Building the Body: 12 Characteristics of a Fit Church

Gary L. McIntosh
Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership

Phil Stevenson
D.Min. ’11
Baker Books, January 2018

Just as a physically healthy person might not actually be t enough to run a 5k, so churches can appear healthy — with no obvious issues, maintaining a healthy size — but not exhibit fitness. A fit church is one that is not satisfied with merely coasting along with no problems. A fit church is actively making disciples, maturing in faith, developing strong leaders, reaching out to the community and more. Building the Body unveils the 12 characteristics of fit churches and shows pastors and church leaders how to move their church through five levels of fitness.

In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life

Building the Body cover

Translated into Mandarin Chinese by Doris Hoo Lin Huei
Michael Wilkins
’74, M.Div. ’77, Distinguished Professor of NT Language and Literature
Malaysia Bible Seminary Press. Kuang, January 2018

“A disciple ... will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). The ultimate goal of discipleship is to be like the Teacher — to be like Jesus himself. Every Christian wants to understand what that means. But even if we understand it, is it possible? Michael Wilkins asserts that it's not only possible, it's a life that all Christians are called to — not just a select few. So why do we so seldom experience it? As Wilkins points out, even the first followers of Jesus had a hard time grasping what it meant to be His disciples ... but like the early disciples, our lives can radically change. If we want to follow Jesus, we can become like Him.