When I was a student, I committed to reciting this prayer whenever I sat down to study. I actually learned it from Professor of Theology and Philosophy David A. Horner’s book “.” The prayer was written by Handley Moule, an evangelical Anglican theologian, writer, poet and bishop.
This prayer helped me immensely during my undergraduate years and reminded me that studying was a spiritual discipline. It was my worship as a student. It really helped put into perspective the work I was doing. I hope you give it a try and that it is a blessing to you like it was to me.
The Scholar's Prayer
By Handley C.G. Moule (1841-1920)
Lord and Savior, true and kind,
Be the Master of my mind;
Bless, and guide, and strengthen still
All my powers of thought and will.
While I ply the scholar’s task,
Jesus Christ, be near, I ask;
Help the memory, clear the brain,
Knowledge still to seek and gain.
Here I train for life’s swift race;
Let me do it in Thy grace;
Here I arm me for life’s fight;
Let me do it in Thy might.
Thou hast made me mind and soul;
I for Thee would use the whole;
Thou hast died that I might live;
All my powers to Thee I give.
Striving, thinking, learning, still,
Let me follow thus Thy will,
Till my whole glad nature be
Trained for duty and for Thee.
Written by Cristal Vazquez Carrillo, success coach for Online and Graduate Student Success. For more information, contact Cristal at successcoach@biola.edu.