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  • Theology

    John McKinley — 

    This is the first post in a series of four on the doctrine of hell. I’m not attempting to detail everything about hell in a systematic way. I will focus on three topics that I think are often misunderstood. One of the posts will introduce an idea that is a relatively minority opinion (God’s conquest of sin). The doctrine of hell is a difficult topic. I think that people are often unsure about how to feel about hell, whether we should feel sad, or should we feel relieved that justice is being done? What are God’s feelings about hell? How do we understand hell and God’s love?

  • Apologetics, Evangelism, Missions

    Kenneth Berding — 

    In my last post I shared about how to carry on a deeper, less confrontational discussion with your Muslim friend by asking a question about the topic of hypocrisy. Click HERE for my earlier post. In this post I will suggest a different question to ask your friend that might allow you to enter into yet another non-confrontational conversation with the goal of introducing your Muslim friend to Jesus Christ.

  • Culture, Marriage and Family, Spiritual Formation

    Nell Sunukjian — 

    I left for our short trip to Santa Barbara feeling weary. The semester was ending here at Talbot--there had been several speaking engagements, grandchildren to tend and sick babies to hold. All good things, and needed things, but I felt stressed by the load.

  • Biblical Exposition, Christian Education, Church Life, Ministry and Leadership, Old Testament, Spanish, Spiritual Formation, Theology

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    ÂżPor quĂ© las cosas son como son? ÂżDĂłnde estĂĄ Dios cuando el mundo lo ignora a Él y a sus principios? Cuando Dios actĂșa, Âżpor quĂ© hace Él lo que hace? Todos nos hemos hecho alguna vez preguntas difĂ­ciles respecto a Dios y a nuestra fe. En muchas ocasiones, lo que vemos aparentemente no concuerda con lo que creemos acerca de Dios. ÂżQuĂ© hacer en estas circunstancias? En Habacuc encontramos un libro bĂ­blico que nos muestra un modelo para enfrentar estos momentos y acrecentar nuestra fe en el Dios que sostiene el universo con su poder.

  • Marriage and Family

    Joanne Jung — 

    After being unresponsive for two days, my dad was escorted into the presence of his Savior on Saturday May 4, 2013 at 2 AM. Family and friends gathered to celebrate his life last Friday. I shared these words:

  • New Testament, Old Testament

    Gary Manning Jr — 

    Recently, while reading through the minor prophet Haggai in the LXX (the Greek Old Testament), I noticed a phrase that looked familiar: “before a stone was laid on a stone (Î»áœ·ÎžÎżÎœ ጐπ᜶ Î»áœ·ÎžÎżÎœ) in the Temple of the Lord
” (Hag 2:15). Hmm
 where had I seen Î»áœ·ÎžÎżÎœ ጐπ᜶ Î»áœ·ÎžÎżÎœ before? Yes: in Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, when he describes the coming destruction of the Temple buildings: “Do you see all these things? I tell you the truth: there will not be a stone left on a stone (Î»áœ·ÎžÎżÏ‚ ጐπ᜶ Î»áœ·ÎžÎżÎœ) here; all will be torn down” (Matt 24:2; see parallels in Mk 13:2, Lk 19:44).

  • Church Life, Culture, Evangelism, Ministry and Leadership

    Gary McIntosh — 

    Peter Drucker wrote that in our knowledge-based society, information is the key resource and building block for every type of organization. Information is the new money, currency upon which organizations rise or fall. How may a local church respond to the new currency of information in today's world?

  • Apologetics, Evangelism, Missions

    Kenneth Berding — 

    One of the hardest things Christians face when they step out to share their faith with Muslims is that the conversation almost inevitably veers toward a competitive discussion about which religion is better: “You think this, but I think this.” “I’m right and you’re wrong.” Often you’ll find yourself on the defensive: “Yes, Jesus did die on the cross
” “Yes, Jesus is the Son of God
” “No, the Bible hasn’t been changed
” Is there any way to keep your conversation from degrading into an “I’m right and you’re wrong” discussion?

  • Church Life, Evangelism, Ministry and Leadership

    Gary McIntosh — 

    Good doctrine, good fellowship, good worship, and good prayer. Do they guarantee the growth of a church? Not necessarily. Sometimes churches do not do well, even though they have the basic ingredients. So, what's the problem? For some, it's a lack of communication to those in and outside the church.

  • Apologetics, Church Life, Philosophy, Spiritual Formation, Theology

    Joe Hellerman — 

    We at Talbot, and especially in the philosophy department, are deeply saddened with the homegoing of our mentor and friend, Dallas Willard.

  • Apologetics, Evangelism, Historical Theology, Philosophy, Spiritual Formation, Theology

    Alan Gomes — 

    The Bible is God’s very word and therefore carries the authority of God himself. And that word of God, Scripture tells us, is a powerful thing—“living and active and sharper than even a two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12). It floods the soul with its resplendent rays, laying bare God’s truth and putting all darkness to flight. Yet, as this text tells us, not all receive the truth of this light, and some esteem it as folly itself. How can this be? If Scripture is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16), how could any reject its authoritative claims?

  • Biblical Exposition, Christian Education, Church Life, Culture, Ministry and Leadership, Spiritual Formation

    Ben Shin — 

    I love my office. There are many reasons that I love my office. One is that I can store the many books that I own in there. Second, it is a place for study or reading in a quiet setting. But what I love most is that my office is a place for ministry and discipleship to occur. In other words, it is a safe place to meet students who are not only facing the challenges of academia but also the hardships of life. For this reason, the value of my office hours is priceless!

  • Church Life, Evangelism, Ministry and Leadership

    Gary McIntosh — 

    You don't have a second chance for a good first impression. When it comes to first-time guests at your church, that statement is especially true. And it's that first impression guests leave with that determines whether they will be back. So, what is it that goes into a good first impression? Or, for that matter, a bad one?

  • Spiritual Formation

    Michelle Barnewall — 

    One of the exercises I have my spiritual formation students do is a prayer exercise in which they are to spend 30 minutes in prayer however they wish, but with one specific instruction – they are not supposed to ask for anything, for themselves or anyone else. I tell them that the reason for the exercise is that while we are certainly told to bring our requests to God (e.g., Matt. 7:7-11; Luke 11:9-13; Phil. 4:6; 1 John 5:15, etc.), prayer is much more than requesting things. However, sometimes we get so accustomed to filling our times of prayer with requests that we forget to leave room to wait on God and listen to His voice.

  • Old Testament, Spiritual Formation

    Joy Mosbarger — 

    A family outing goes horribly wrong when a bomb goes off nearby leaving the son dead, the mother with a brain injury, the daughter with a missing limb, and the father to cope with this devastation to his family. A woman who has faithfully paid her health insurance premiums for years is faced with a serious illness, but the insurance company refuses to pay her medical costs due to a purported preexisting condition claimed to have been discovered in a brief notation by a doctor on her medical records years ago. A young college student, peacefully sleeping just moments ago, finds himself in the midst of a home invasion robbery during which he is shot and killed by the robber who was recently released from prison due to overcrowding. Why, God? How can you sit by and let these things happen? It isn’t right . . . it isn’t fair . . . it isn’t just.

  • Christian Education, Marriage and Family, Spiritual Formation

    Kenneth Berding — 

    My wife Trudi and I spoke for a parenting seminar this past weekend. We offered 14 “tips” for nurturing the spiritual lives of one’s children. I’ve included the 14 teaching points here for your own consideration. Our prayer is that many parents will take on the call to intentionally train their children in the ways of the Lord. If you want your children to grow up to be passionate followers of Christ

  • Biblical Exposition, Old Testament, Philosophy, Theology

    Kenneth Way — 

    Dr. John Walton, Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School, will present “Origins Today: Genesis Through Ancient Eyes” at șÚĘźÊÓÆ”. John Walton’s work on Genesis 1-3 offers a fresh perspective on the complex issue of faith and science by seeking to understand the message of Scripture within its ancient context.

  • Christian Education, Church Life, Ministry and Leadership

    Dave Keehn — 

    There is a pressure that is constantly battling around us to give people whatever they want. When you are younger it was labeled peer pressure. However, as we grow older the peer pressures continues throughout life, we just call them “Expectations”

  • Christian Education, Evangelism, Missions, New Testament

    Doug Huffman — 

    A search of the Internet will reveal several different kite parables, including one in support of the (un-Christian) idea that by holding tight to the string of God’s commandments people can fly themselves up into the heavens. I’d like to suggest a different kite parable, one that is more in keeping with Christian orthodoxy. My parable focuses on the kite itself (not the string) as the gospel of salvation through faith in Christ alone, but not a faith that is alone.

  • Church Life, Culture, Evangelism, Ministry and Leadership, Theology

    Thaddeus Williams — 

    Often times it seems that harder the church tries to be relevant, the more irrelevant we become. The Bible is full of this kind of upside down logic. The self-clingers lose themselves, the prideful end up humbled, those jostling to be first end last, and, now it seems, those trying the hardest to be relevant end up most irrelevant. Thaddeus Williams explores what happens when the church puts relevance to culture ahead of reverence to Christ.

  • Theology

    Joanne Jung — 

    Something to ponder about an ancient Chinese word...

  • Christian Education, Church Life, Culture, Ethics, Ministry and Leadership, Spiritual Formation

    Ben Shin — 

    Looking over a resume in order to hire a person for ministry can be trickier than one realizes at first. This is especially true because they typically want to give the benefit of the doubt to one’s accomplishments and experiences as listed on a resume. However, it has been the experience of this writer that what is often listed on a resume may not actually be the truth. There are those who like to “stretch” the information or possibly “embellish” the facts to point in favor of the applicant. Then there are those who just flat out lie about who they really are and what they’ve done. This blog will highlight some clues or signs of “red flags” that may show up in ministry resumes.

  • Culture, Spiritual Formation

    Steve Porter — 

    While Christians decry the secularization of Christmas, the spirit of that season (gift-giving, twinkling lights, warm cocoa) coalesces rather well with the celebration of God coming to earth in the birth of Jesus. Easter is more difficult. For the Christian, the meaning of Easter is directly connected to the brutal and unjust execution of the one born in Bethlehem. Easter is the exuberance of the empty tomb, and yet it stands in solidarity with the alienation of a blood stained cross.

  • Christian Education, Church Life, Spanish, Spiritual Formation, Theology

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    Esta semana se conmemoran los dĂ­as mĂĄs importantes para el cristianismo y, por consiguiente, para todo el mundo. La muerte y resurrecciĂłn de Jesucristo marcan el eje central de nuestra fe. Durante la semana santa recordamos la muerte de JesĂșs en la cruz por nuestros pecados y su victoria sobre la muerte a travĂ©s de su gloriosa resurrecciĂłn.

  • Historical Theology, Theology

    John McKinley — 

    Dyothelitism means that Jesus possesses two wills, one divine and one human. God the Father and God the Son are distinct persons, but they share the same divine will. The difference of Jesus’ will from his Father’s will in Gethsemane is his human will. By incarnation, God the Son took up a second way of living as a man. He now possesses two natures. Each nature is complete, including a will for each. I define will as the spiritual capacity for desires and choice in the exercise of personal agency. A caution to remember is that these are mysterious operations (desiring, choosing) of mysterious realities (persons, wills, Trinity) that may leave us continuing to wonder even after thinking it all through as best we can. We will consider briefly Jesus’ divine will, his human will, the situation of Gethsemane, and how this affects our thinking about the Trinity.