I have the privilege of teaching genre-based biblical interpretation at Biola. Here's something I put together that integrates biblical principles and life, gleaned from each genre of the Bible.

How to have an unfair advantage in life with absurd regularity:

  • Know God’s story and his plan for all humanity from the Old Testament Narratives.

  • Know that God cares about your relationship with him and yours with others from the Old Testament Law.

  • Know the connections between your emotions and thoughts about God in the Psalms.

  • Know the sovereignty and guidance of God in the Wisdom literature.

  • Know the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the worship and justice of God in the Prophets.

  • Know God Incarnate, Jesus the Messiah, and his kingdom in the Gospels.

  • Know God’s gift to you of a Spirit-infused community in the Acts.

  • Know how to flourish and guard that community in the Epistles.

  • Know Jesus’ victory and the impact that truth has on how you live today in Revelation.

How to mess up your relationship with God and others and miss your calling in life all at the same time:

  • Dismiss God’s story and his plan for all humanity from the Old Testament Narratives.

  • Dismiss that God cares about your relationship with him and yours with others from the Old Testament Law.

  • Dismiss the connections between your emotions and thoughts of God in the Psalms.

  • Dismiss the sovereignty and guidance of God in the Wisdom literature.

  • Dismiss the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the worship and justice of God in the Prophets.

  • Dismiss God Incarnate, Jesus the Messiah, and his kingdom in the Gospels.

  • Dismiss God’s gifting you with a Spirit-infused community in the Acts.

  • Dismiss how to flourish in and guard that community in the Epistles.

  • Dismiss Jesus’ victory and the impact that truth has on how you live today in Revelation.

So go ahead. Take that unfair advantage without worry of messing up your relationship with God and others. Dive into your Bible reading and let its genres guide and God's Spirit lead you.